I Get What I Want

946 21 22

Carnival-ish AU

Kevin whined, pulling on Edds arm as he lead his boyfriend to the center of the carnival. If he were to be honest, Edd didnt quiet fit into the mood and tone of the flashy lights and cheery loud music. The ginger snuggled into his baby blue wind breaker, dusting of his mid thigh white, high waist shorts.

Stopping in front of one of the games he sighed, crossing his arms. Skimming over the possible prizes he pointed to a light yellow stuffed bear, neck adorn with a pale pink bow.

"That, win me that."

Kevin spoke, turning to look up at the swimmer. Edd frowned, staring down at his phone.

"Kevin I really don't wa-"

The ginger shot his arm up, ripping his boyfriends phone from his grip.

"I told you what I want, so you better get it for me!"

Kevin pushed the phone deep into the back pocket of his shorts, adjusting them slightly as they rod up a bit.
Edd furrowed his brows, gritting his teeth. He then paused, closing his dull eyes for a moment.

Edd, being the 'badass' and 'popular athlete' people stereotypicaly categories  him as without a doubt holds the top dog, dominant position in the school food chain. And well...Kevin on the other hand some how managed to crawl under the sharks skin, making him a rather large softy for the small thing.

So here he finds himself, being controlled by a lower, a weaker non equilivent to himself. But then again here he finds himself, being controlled by his one flaw, one weakness.

One things for sure, don't mess with the king. But another things for sure, don't mess with his second in command. And even the king must abide by these rules.


He mumbled, digging through his wallet as he gave the vendor a five dollar bill, the objective of the cheap game was to knock down the three glass bottles, he had five balls.

About thirty dollars and Kevin nagging on and on into his ear about how much he sucks with aim the raven finally completed his objective. The ginger cheered happily, pulling the bear into his arms as he laced his free hand with Eddwards.

"Not too bad I guess."

The ginger spoke, holding his head high as he began to drag his boyfriend along the carnival once more. The raven frowned, upset that his accomplishment didnt exactly please his prince. Going sour he just let Kevin pull him along, untill they stopped abruptly.

"Next time do better, ill award you with a bigger prize."

Kevin moved onto his tip toes, pecking Eddward on the cheek.

"Join the baseball team, then maybe you'll learn how to throw less like a girl."

Edd blinked, if anyone else hand talked to him in such a tone they would already by lying in their death beds. But as he had said earlier, Kevin was different, a force of nature that not even he could understand. So he just nodded quietly, keeping in his place.

Like a child the ginger lifted his arms, speaking confidently.

"Carry me! Now."

Eddward obliged, pulling the teen into his arms as Kevin wrapped his legs around the learners thin waist.

"Now lets go, I'm tired and need a nap."

Edd huffed, he wasn't sure if this was love, hell this cant be love.

But he just wanted the boy to stay with him for the time being.

He was all the raven really needed for now anyways.

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