1 AM

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You left me, you left me and it tore me down so bad. Right when I had you, I lost you within a slim month and a half.  All the music, the memories, the memories really hurt when I close my eyes and the suns just rising, gleaming into my bedroom. The blinds wont keep it from pricing my room with a soft glow of love and life, and ive been lurking in that love and life for the past month as a dark cloud of depression and death, just waiting to explode.
Falling in love again will be so hard.

Why did you ever leave Edd?
It was all going so well.

Heyyy its another personal rant to tie in with 2 AM. Sorry I dissapered, ive got a bunch of small oneshots ill be posting soon, but the month of June has just had me trapped in my room, thinking about stupid shit and stupid people :/ I know im not over any of this yet, but I feel like writing might take the edge off, might make me forget more.
Thanks for all the love btw, I cant believe so many people have bothered to look at this lil book :)

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