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Taking a drag from the thin cylinder, delicately placed between his pointer and middle finger, Kevin breathed out sharply. A slight cough followed as he pushed his legs, the pressure hitting the concrete, swaying his form lightly on the swing he found himself perched on.

Licking his lips the ginger closed his eyes, relishing in the taste of tobacco on his tongue. Tapping the cigarette, he quietly watched the pale ashes fall to the ground, a few loose embers followed in their path illuminating the surrounding air. Pushing himself once more, the teen swayed as winters cold breath pushed flush against his exposed cheeks. It was nights like these the 16 year old lived for. Bringing the cigarette back up to his lips he inhaled once more, falling back into his own nirvana. It was in these moments he could balance out the stress of his day with his beloved pack of Marlboro's and dim lighter. Kevin pulled his hood up with one hand, moving to check his phone.

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The teen blew out a breath through taunt lips, the time reflected on his glasses. Lazily he pushed himself up from the swing set, setting his feet firm on the dark concrete below him. Tossing the cigarette onto the ground he followed in one swift motion, bringing his sneaker clad foot up, stomping it down to put out the dull blaze. Shoving his hands in his pocket, he headed out of the playground, lingering under the street lamps glow toward the edge of the treeline. It acted like a fence for the elementy schoolers. Kevin laughed, remembering a time in 4th grade, he wasnt scared of the treeline anymore, darting off into the woods with a few of his peers. Past the treeline lay a trickling creek, frozen over now due to the cooling temperature the city was experiencing. The signal from the flip of fall to winter.

Pacing closer to the stream his eyes darted to the dark clad figure, realization hit from the glint of the figures eyes, a soft blue in the midnight air. Kevin smiled, a warmness stinging his heart.

"I knew you'd be here." The phrase tumbled out softly from his chapped lips. Kevin opened his mouth, "oh did you now?" he spoke into the darkness as the soft blue moved closer, closing the space between the two. Rockwell mused, "you weren't at home, so I assumed. Im delighted my assumption was correct."

Kevin busted into a clumsy sprint, wrapping his arms around the taller boy. Taking in his scent the ginger absorbed the moment, thin fingers found their rightful place on his hips. No more words were spoken between the two, words would have been waistful for their time together. The ginger moved forward forcefully, taking Rockwells lips in his own. An embrace the other was all two familiar with.

"I may have been just another cigarette pack to you, but at least you craved me"

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