Stretch Marks

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(Insert Clever AU name here) AU
*Triggering material ahead*

Kevin sat still on the edge of his bed, tracing the jagged lines that littered his thighs. Squeezing, pinching, prodding, he frowned down at his legs.

He came to the conclusion that he was fat.

Brushing his fingers up past the laced panties he had chosen to wear today, the teen then traced his love handles quietly. Finding that the same lines had seemed to form there as well, he pinched at his stomach, frowning.

Pulling on a pair of shorts the boy shook his head, instead deciding on a pair of jeans, and long sleeved tee shirt.

Staring at himself in the mirror the teen furrowed his brows, displeased with his figure.

He fround his curves disgusting.

His larger hips to be humiliating.

The blemishes and freckles that took up his face to be a hapless nuisance.

But Edd saw it all in a different way, telling Kevin that his stretch marks were like snow flakes, each individual one different and unique in their own special way.

Edd said his larger proportions and curves made him more irresistible, alot more attractive, his taste pallet craved these types of perks.

The raven found beauty, beauty in the ginger, beauty that he couldn't seem to find in the others that tried to accommodate to society's perfect body rule.

Edd needed some one who was real, and Kevin was real. His blemishes were just a part of adolescence, his stretch marks were just a part of growing, his body was just a part of...who he was...

Kevin smiled, thinking back to his boyfriends words of encouragement as he changed once more, pulling on his shorts and a tank top.

The ginger smiled wider into the mirror.

The honk of Edds car outside made him turn to the window grinning.

Today was going to be great.

(This was ment to be a rant to make me feel better about my body :) Maybe others can take this into good use. As a good friend once told me, don't change for someone else, if they love you they will love you for who you are, not who your trying to become.)

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