Strawberry Lemonade

667 15 2

(another unnamed AU *sigh*) AU

"That red lipstick looked real nice on you, it bothers me that you stopped wearing it last week."

Kevin sighed brushing a finger across his lips. "Its not my style anymore."

Edd quirked a brow, sighing. "So what's your new style then Anderson?"

The ginger stared at his friend quietly, shoving his hands in the pockets of his thin sweater.

"I'm thinking pastel....with a slight undertone of indie..."

Eddward scratched the back of his head.

"So like strawberry lemonade?"

Kevin jumped a bit smiling.

"Yes! Strawberry lemonade!"

The raven haired teen pursed his lips, looking at Kevin's outfit for a moment.

"Ok...youve got the pastel but where's the indie at?"

Kevin sighed, snuggling into the light sweater he wore.

"...its a work in progress."

"Kevin, don't tell me your forcing some type of Tumblr personality onto yourself."

"No no! I'm not don't worry!"

Eddward smiled, moving closer to Kevin.

"You better not, I distaste pomegranate and you know this."

"I do."

The raven bit his lip, yawning a bit.

"Pomegranate has always tasted rather sour to me."


Kevin questioned quietly, playing with his fingers.

"Yes sour, it makes me pucker my lips, like its forcing me to kiss someone I hate."

Kevin laughed a bit breathy.

"Would you ever kiss me?"

Edd got quiet, smiling subtly.

"Yes, yes I would. Only if I can have a taste of last weeks jelly doughnuts?"

Kevin frowned.

"Gee you really liked that lipstick huh?"

The raven nodded.

Ehhh I lost inspiration for this but wanted to finish it either way.

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