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kalani depradine

My family raised me well. Do not drop out of school and do not do drugs. I managed to avoid both of those things with little to no struggle. It was unspoken that being knocked up by a random man was something I should have tried to avoid too. And I had every intention to never have children, so it did not seem like an issue.

Yet here I was, squeezing my eyes shut as the doctor applied cold gel to my stomach. I clung to my chair like it was a lifeline. I hoped the tighter I squeezed and the tighter I kept my eyes shut, I would get rid of the sick nightmare I was in. The nightmare where I was at the doctor's office checking to see if there was a baby in me.

I had taken a pregnancy test a few days ago just to confirm that everything was good. Turns out everything wasn't good. Even after three tests, I wasn't convinced that I could be pregnant.

"Yup. There definitely is a baby in there," she chuckled like this might be funny. This was terrible news that was going to change my life. She laughed, trying to weaken the tension in the room. She knew the news she delivered was not news I wanted to hear.


My hand dragged down my face in agony. "Twelve weeks."

Pregnancy was supposed to be an event worth celebrating. People try hard for babies. They pay money to have one implanted in them. And I felt the complete opposite of how I should be feeling.

"Yay," I muttered under my breath, trying to figure this all out. I was doing the math in my head, trying to put all the numbers together. I'm not in a relationship. At least not anymore. So the father of this baby was not someone who is currently in my life.

"Where's the father?"

I blinked at her in shock. She was a nosy doctor. The father of my child should not be anything of her concern. The way she asked was with a mocking tone. Like she knew the answer and wanted to hear me spit it out. She wanted to hear me say I had no relations with this baby's other half.

"You know who the father is right?" She judged my situation completely. Maybe I should've been angry with her trying to invade my business, but all I felt was embarrassed about what she was implying.

"Of course I do. I just...I um," I bit my lip. I found it hard to form words. My lips moved, but nothing audible was coming.

I had no idea where to start or whether this random doctor was someone I could confide in. But after this appointment, I would definitely be finding a different doctor. Hopefully one who knows how to mind their business.

"It was a one night stand type of thing. You know, get drunk at a bar, go to their hotel room, hook up then leave early that morning before they wake up," I explained with nothing but shame in myself. It sounded like this was a lifestyle for me when it truly isn't. This was my first random hook up and this was the outcome.

"Oh," she was shocked with my answer.

My mind was backtracking to think of how this could have happened to me. Relaying the details of that night. Remembering what that man's name could have been.

Garrett? Gabe? Gavin?

I remember his name being different. I remember it being popular but different. He was the first of that name I've met. How do I not even know his name? I remember everything but his name.

I remember how his large hands held my body like they were molded strictly to hold me and only me. The way he used my body for his pleasure created soreness for days to come. Then there's his full plump lips that travelled along my body, making sure not to leave any part of it untouched. He pleasured me first by showing special attention to my needs and desires before his. And his body was built to perfection like a carefully sculpted work of art.

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