twenty one

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kalani depradine

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Grayson stood to his feet after he finished running the bath. I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed. My head was filled with this impending headache which couldn't seem to go away. I felt terrible. Tonight was the night for the charity event I knew was important for Grayson. But if I went, I would be nothing but a drag.

"You have to go. Don't worry about me," I insisted and he turned to me with a sigh. In all the months I've been here, Grayson has never run me a bath. It was sweet and I hoped it wouldn't be the last time. His bath tub is huge and bathing has easily become my new favourite thing.

"I can't not worry about you," he muttered under his breath like it was hard to admit. "I just really needed you. I hate these things. You make them tolerable." That was an odd way of him saying he likes me around, but I didn't mind.

"You did all this shit before I was around. I'm sure you'll survive," I untied my robe and let it slide off my body. With his eyes mapping my body, his large hands got ahold of my body. He looked down at me with those lust filled eyes making me feel like pure gold. Picking me up off my feet, my arms and legs went around him. I rested my head on his shoulder as he kissed my neck.

I didn't want to let him go. I wanted him to decide to stay so we could bathe together and he could take care of me. Grayson's full, undivided attention is rare and I love when he gives it to me.

"Call me if you don't feel well. I gave Amelia a bath earlier and fed her, so she shouldn't bother you for the night. But I'll go check on her once more before I leave," his grip on me loosened to place me into the bath tub. It was the perfect temperature and the bubbles hugged my body. His suit fit him like second skin and I was sad I wasn't going to be able to wear my matching dress.

"Have fun, okay? Don't have a stick up your ass the entire time," I joked and it paid off because he gave me his million dollar smile.

"I'll try, sweetheart. Bye," he quickly kissed my forehead then left the bathroom. With the house being so large, I couldn't hear him check on Amelia or leave the house. But when twenty minutes had passed, I assumed he had left the house and I already missed him.

My days are normally spent alone, caring for Amelia. But at least I know nights mean I get to spend time with Grayson. I have this entire routine and this event meant I would probably be asleep by the time he gets home.

This was one of the few times I have time to just myself and I planned on taking advantage of it. I stayed in my bath as long as I could then spent extra time on my skincare routine. There was a book I have been meaning to read, so I laid in bed reading my book until my phone rang.

"Hello?" I set my book down, sliding my feet into my house slippers.

"Kalani! Have you seen the paparazzi photos from the red carpet of the charity event?" Ariana asked me. Photos being taken didn't surprise me. All the elites in New York City attend the event.

"No. Why?" Leaving the bedroom, I walked down the stairs to the kitchen. The fridge is always filled with fresh fruits and vegetables. I'm happy hearty foods is something Grayson and I both agree on.

"They have photos of Grayson and Marianne. She's this runway model and her father is the Senator," Ariana gave me all the details I did not want to hear. This clearly was a misunderstanding.

"What kind of photos? What do you mean?" I asked before she sent them my way.

My eyes widened at the sight of his arm firmly linked to her waist. They walked the red carpet with her holding onto his arm and they looked far from strangers. She was looking at him like there was something there. There was even a photo of her kissing his cheek. He let this stranger kiss his cheek? Grayson has never brought up this woman, but they looked friendly. Grayson isn't a friendly person.

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