6: The art of yoga

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I felt the couch dip and lifted my head to see who it was. It was Dan again. I just couldn't get rid of him.

"Go die." I groaned before I rested my head back on the couch.

He put his hand and my back and I smiled when he started to rub circles. I should have been crept out, but instead I was ecstatic because I was a fan girl. It was every fan girl's dream to be held by their idol. Sue me.

"Why are you holding me?"

"Isn't this comforting you?" He asked, causing me to scoff and decide to sit up before I died in my own thoughts.

"Should it?" I looked up at him with raised eyebrows. He shrugged. "When will I be going home?" He stood up and walked to the shelves under the TV.

"Soon. What do you want to watch?" I sighed. He was being as cryptic as ever when it came to me going home.


He searched through the rows of movies and then took one out. He showed it to me and I nodded.

Even though I was not home, I was at least with Dan from TMW. I was still internally fan-girling over that one.

I really wasn't paying any attention to the movie. I was staring up at Dan. He was paying attention to the movie, which made me smile. He was actually enjoying the movie. Probably because one of the soundtrack songs was theirs.

"If you want to say something, say it." I smiled as he looked down at me.

"Like, did you guys stalk me?"

He stared at me for a while as he seemed to think about something. "The Js stalked you."

The Js. That was J.J and Jasmine. The fans shipped them, because they were always together and they always took selfies together. They were the It fictional couple in South Africa. I read a fanfic about them once or eighteen times. I'm not counting.

"Why?" I asked.

"They said that you were hot."

My eyes widened as I looked at Dan, petrified. "So they stalked me?"

Dan smiled like I was being silly. "If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have figured out what was happening to you." I glared at him as he spoke. They still had no right. "I don't know about you, but having a bomb thrown in front of me would kill me."

"It was fake." I dead panned.

"That time." I bit my bottom lip and decided to look away from him. "We're just trying to help you. You should understand that." That's what they kept on saying. I sighed and finally decided to stand up. "Where are you going?"

"Not home." Dan did not follow me as I went up the stairs to explore the house. I had a feeling that I would be stuck there for longer than I desired, so I decided to make myself familiar with my surroundings.

I was not even on the last step when I stumbled upon MK, in only a towel around his waist. What did I say? Dream come true. His wet hair stuck to the sides of his face and I found myself staring. I mean, who wouldn't?

"Hey, pretty lady." I raised my eyebrows as I glanced at the towel and then at his face, and then at the towel again. My brain was freaking out.

"I can't do this." My brain decided to turn around and lead me the opposite direction from the stairs. Being a fan girl sucked, especially if you were kidnapped by your idols and they were prancing (figuratively) around the house, technically naked.

"What did I do?" MK's voice was fainter as I went out the doors that I was assuming led to the garden, because they wouldn't leave the doors leading to my freedom open.

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