8: Someone call a doctor

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I was watching V-Entertainment when my face popped up on the screen. Just awesome. I was in an, obviously, photo shopped picture of Dan and I walking together. We actually looked like we were in the Mall of Africa. It was pretty good photoshoping though.

I was alone. Had been since D.Rek had left me. I was bored and lonely and my most favourite member of TMW hated me. I would never tell him that I liked him, though. I would never tell him that whenever he performed, even the first time that I had seen them, I felt like I knew him. Just him. When he released his singles, I always felt like I knew his voice. His singing was comforting. Though, it was the same to most girls.

I stopped paying attention after five minutes of talk about me and Dan. It was getting a bit irritating. How could people be so obsessed about me? I get it. So I was Sadie, the ex-model. They did not need to elaborate their point for five minutes.

I stood up and went to make tea for myself, and maybe D.Rek if he wouldn't bite my head off first. He walked into the kitchen at the same time that I did. I smiled up at him. He, as expected, did not smile back.

"Would you like some tea?" He looked down at me for a while. My smile never faultered. He sighed and gently pushed me aside.

"I'll make you a cup." My grin widened. "What do you want?"

"Gosh, really?" I felt flattered because D.Rek would be making me tea. I wasn't even going to stop him

"Before I change my mind." He still did not smile at me, but he wasn't angry. If anything, he looked amused at my excitement.

"Do you have green tea?"

"Green tea?" He repeated as he went to take a box out of the cupboard. He took out a closed box of green tea. It was almost like they had bought it just for me, but that would be me being full of myself. "Yes, we have it. With lemon and honey?" I grinned as I stood next to him to watch him prepare the tea. He was taking out the cups and putting the ingredients in.

"I love honey and lemon in my tea." I mentally screamed. "How did you know?"

"That's how I drink it." I nodded in realisation. That's how most people made their green tea. He finished in record time and handed me a cup. I smiled happily.

"Thank you, Derek." He paused when I used his real name. "Or do you prefer your stage name?"

He just glanced at me and then walked away. I frowned and went back to the lounge where the movie that I had set a reminder for was playing. I would be watching that alone. Great.

I went outside after a few minutes. Not liking the movie as I thought I would. The last time that I had gone out, I had seen a few garden chairs.

I missed Mike. He wouldn't have been there, but he would have still called. He would have told me how much he loved me and then promised me a foot massage. I took in a deep breath. TMW had a reason to kidnap me, even if they were vague about it.

The sun felt good as the rays hit my skin. It wasn't too hot and the trees gave me refreshing wind. Unlike the city, TMW's house was quiet and I could actually think. You'd think that the different trees would emit different smells, but they didn't. The trees gave the place an earthy smell that I wouldn't mind getting an airfreshner of. Nothing bothered me at the moment. Except for my tight chest.

I put the hand that was not holding the cup on my chest as I tried to take in deep breaths. My chest had been fine till then, making me wonder if it had a trigger.

My heartbeat picked up speed and I knew that it was not a good sign. Maybe I should... My surroundings starting spinning and I realised that it was all probably because of the sun's rays. I stood up from the chair and as soon as I did, the world tilted.

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