13: The Waffle Place

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"Sedi, you have to eat something." Duncan begged from the door. He had brought in my lunch, just as he had my breakfast. My breakfast was still on my table, uneaten.

"Humans can survive without food for weeks."

"You still have to eat. You have medicine to take." I sighed and used the blanket to cover the rest of my face up.

"Go away,"

"Sedi please." I did not say anything else and listened. He stood at my door for another minute before he left. He came back in and took the breakfast tray of food with him.

It was probably hours later (if not minutes) when I heard my door open. I groaned.

"Duncan, I told you..."

"I'm not Duncan." My eyes widened and I sat up, and looked at my door. By instinct my hand went to my hair to flaten it out.

"MK?" I couldn't actually believe that MK from TMW was in my room. I mean, no girl could believe it. He softly smiled at me, and I was still too shocked for words. He had changed his hair. It was strawberry, almost pink. I liked it. Mostly because he had relaxed his hair and, good Lord, bless my soul!

"Hi," he walked towards my bed, "how are you feeling?"

"Um..." I had forgotten how to speak. All I could think about was how MK was in my bedroom. I probably looked terrible too. "Unwell?"

"Allow me to make you feel better." I blinked at him as I tried to make sense of what he was saying.


"Let me make you feel better, Sadie." Sadie? I liked the way that he said my name. I also liked the way that he looked.

"Okay?" He gleamed at me, causing my heart to flutter.

"We'll be going out, if that's fine by you." I nodded. "I'll be waiting outside with Duncan."

"Okay." He smiled as he got out of my room. I sighed as I fell backward and used the blanket to cover my face. What was happening with my life?


Shortly put, I was freaking out.

If I had read correctly between the lines, then MK had told me that we would be going on a date. Or maybe I had read incorrectly between the lines and MK just honestly wanted to help make me feel better.

I was having a mental breakdown.

I was staring mindlessly into my closet filled with clothes. I was tired and most likely depressed. I did not feel like getting out of bed, or putting on a fancy outfit. But MK from TMW was waiting for me outside of my bedroom door and his new hair colour was making me go crazy.

I took out the first thing that I spotted after my mental struggle. A black pencil skirt. It stopped right above my knees. Well, the last time that I had checked anyways. I then took out a white loose long sleeved blouse. It covered about everything on my upper body. I was left with two options. White sandals or my white peep toe heels. It was such a huge decision to make. If I chose the incorrect option, MK would think that I was not fashion forward and regret ever wanting to come see me.

Yes, I was being dramatic. Sue me.

I did not put on make-up. Would I regret it? Most likely. I used my extra time to comb my hair down and then put hairspray on it. And then, don't judge me, I put on just a little spritz of perfume. Looking at my reflection, except for the bags under my eyes and the dark aura around me, I thought that I was fine. I walked out of my room. Duncan was sitting on the sofa and jumped up as soon as I had turned the knob. He attacked me with a bone crushing hug.

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