18: Thinking back to way back when

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"Tall. Handsome, but not as much as me. I like him, yes." Duncan said as he examined Derek. They were standing nose to nose. Derek smiled nervously at Duncan.

I happily smiled, finally glad that Derek had met my brother.


"Oh my gosh, I hate you guys." Duncan said getting out of the bathroom. He seemed like someone who had just realised that, yes, parents do have sex. "I liked you, Derek. I really did," he sat on the barstool next to me. He did not even look at me. "When I said, 'get a room', I actually meant, 'keep your hands away from each other until I leave'." I laughed at Duncan.

"You're being dramatic,"

"Am I?" He said in exasperation. "You're my little sister. You're supposed to be sweet and innocent. The last part is not valid anymore."

"We tried to be quiet," Derek tried to reason. I was too busy laughing to care how Duncan felt.

"Quiet? The whole floor heard you. Your walls are so thin. God, and Sedi was so loud," he put his hands over his face, seeming worn out. "Nope, I can't even look at you right now." Duncan directed that at Derek.

"What?" Derek asked as Duncan stood up. "I'm making breakfast." Duncan shook his head, going to the door.

"Duncan, where are you going?" I asked, suddenly feeling bad about Duncan having to witness my loudness.

"For a walk. I'd like to forget this as soon as possible. Also, next time, you'll find me at mom and dad's house. I'm never visiting the two of you again."

I looked up at Derek and he was looking at me, smiling. When Duncan was gone, we both burst out in laughter

"Derek, I think we scarred my brother," I said in between our laughter, causing Derek to laugh even louder.


"Aren't you going to be jealous of all the guys drooling over me?" Derek smiled at me as he held onto my hands, which were on his lap.

"I won't stop you from doing what you want because of my insecurities. That would just be selfish." That was sweet. I also smiled.

"I have to think of a pseudonym if they take me."

"Yeah?" He inquired. I nodded.

"It has to be something memorable. I also want there to be a separation between work and home." He made a thoughtful expression.


"Sadie?" He nodded.

"Because your brother calls you Sedi. It's very close and no one will suspect that Sadie, the model is Lesedi, the college student." I smiled. "It's good right?" I nodded.

"It's nice. Lesedi. Sadie. It's got a nice ring to it." I said grinning at Derek for his genius idea. I would have thought of something as ridiculous as Ebony Queen or similar. "Now it's your turn." His eyes widened in confusion and I giggled. "You promised me that you'd start the YouTube channel where you will be singing."

"I don't want other people to see me sing. I'm not that good." I slapped his shoulder.

"Of course you are. I mean you even sleep sing. Isn't that a sign?" He chuckled.

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