9: Fanboy

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I had gotten out of the room and wandered into the library, or a library. Not really sure. All that I knew was that it was a room with a desk and two shelves with books. I smiled. I did not know that TMW liked reading books. It was a small room, but it was welcoming too.

I browsed through the shelves to try to find something to read. If I was going to be at the house for a while I decided that having a book would not be too bad. I took one book from the shelves, A Nightingale New Year, and read the back page for more information. I did not even read the third line when I felt a dizzy spell start to arise. The table was too far away for me to try to hold on to. I tried to hold one of the shelves, but missed.

I was stopped from my fall when a pair of arms held on to me. I held tighter onto the book and tried to move away from the strong arms.

"You really can't be left alone long, can you?" I heard Lika's accented voice before I saw him. I turned around and smiled gratefully at him.

"I'm fine." I said as I softly laughed. I only took one step away from him before I realised that I was, in fact, not fine. I held on tightly to his arm and he steadied me. "Not really. Haha, sorry. Can you lead me to that chair please?" Lika nodded and helped me get to the chair. When I was finally seated, I sighed, showing Lika a large smile. "I guess I'm more work than you expected, eh?" Lika smiled, causing the fan girl butterflies to start a party in my stomach.

"Of course you are, but we're the one's who kidnapped you."

"Ha!" I said as I pointed at him. "Kidnapped! You just said kidnapped. I can use that against you in court." He chuckled.

"You won't stop, will you?" I shook my head, smiling.

"Mike is coming home tommorow and I want him to find me there." His eyebrows rose as if he wanted to ask a question. He diverted his eyes to the book in my hands.

"You will be home by then." He looked up at me and smirked. "Our manager's not happy about the situation, so he's forcing us to take you back." My smile grew into a grin.

"I love your manager. He's a smart guy."

"He's also a persuasive guy, but we'll get you an escort." My eyes widened and so did his after a second. "Escort as in body guard." I giggled and he looked away, seeming embarrassed.

"Gosh, Lika, did not know you liked those kinds of things."

"I meant body guard!" He said, flustered. "I really did!" I laughed at his embarrassment..

"Don't worry. I'm very grateful that you guys are considering to get me an escort." I said before I broke into a fit of giggles. Lika also laughed, but more because of embarrassment than anything else.


After a while, Lika left me alone to the book that I had in my hands. I did not read it. I was never a reader, more of a writer, even though my novels sucked.

"I like reading your books,"

I lifted my head when I heard a male's voice in my head. Was it a memory? Was I remembering something? I did not see a face, I just remember that we were sitting in a living room that I was not really familiar with, but it felt...homey. I had taken the manuscript from the person because I was not confident with my work, as I always wasn't, but then he took it back and told me that he loved my books. He also said that they were honest.

I sat on the chair as my heartbeat quickened. Was I remembering? But who was the guy? Where was the place we were in?

Dan walked in, getting me out of my train of thoughts. I looked at him in fright because I had been so deep in thought that I was not really paying attention. He looked at me worriedly.

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