17: A kiss

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I looked up into D.Rek's eyes, as I felt the tingling on my lips. I shifted back, seeing the hurt in his eyes.

"W-why did you do that?" A better question would be 'Why in the hell did I kiss you back?', or rather 'Why is my heart beating so quickly?'

"Lesedi, I'm sorry," honestly, the only thing that I was so shocked about was how I had reacted to the kiss. How D.Rek, although he had made his dislike for me clear, had initiated the kiss. "It just happened." I stood up and cleared my throat.

"It's fine," I widely smiled, though it was forced, to show him that it was indeed fine, "I have to use the bathroom." I didn't. "Please escuse me."

That was girl talk for, 'I was going crazy and needed a moment to calm my nerves down.'

I dashed out of my office. I did not even dare to look back at D.Rek because I was scared he would know that I was freaking out. I bumped into someone, almost falling, but was stopped. An arm was wrapped around my waist stopping me from a painful fall.

"I'm...sorry." I frowned and moved myself from my saviour when I saw who it was. "What are you doing here?" I truly did not ask the question to sound rude, but it came out harshly.

"Sadie, I saw the police. I was worried."

"I'm fine, Mike." I looked at how sad he was, also getting sad. I did not like to see him sad, but he had upset me first. That was his mistake.

"Sadie, please, just let me be there for you." I shook my head.

"There's no reason for that." I was about to bypass him but he held my shoulder, rather tightly too. "Leave me alone, Mike." I said through clenched teeth. I tried to shrug my shoulder away, but he had a tight hold on it.

"Sadie, don't do this." He took a step closer to me, making me want to take a step back, but I was stuck in spot. The look in his eyes was a mixture between desperation and crazy (no exaggeration there). "Please just..."

"She said leave her alone, man." A voice said from behind me. I breathed out in relief when I felt the tight hold on my shoulder loosen. I took that moment to take a step back and stood next to the person who had just spoken. D.Rek.

"D.Rek?" Mike was looking up in shock before his features turned into disbelief. "D.Rek from TMW?" He looked down at me accusingly. "How do you know D.Rek?"

"I don't think it concerns you anymore, mate." D.Rek said before I got the chance. He took a step closer and stood in front of me. Mike looked at me as if I had betrayed his trust.

"You're dating him, aren't you? Unbelievable. Not even two days after we broke up."

"Mike," I softly said, "you cheated on me."

Mike glared up at D.Rek. He then looked down at me, honestly like I stole his precious family jewels (get it? Sorry, not funny). Mike walked towards us and stood in his tall frame.

"Is he bothering you, Miss?" Ken asked in his booming voice, not a voice he used when we were just talking to ourselves.

I looked at Mike one more time. I have never really known him. The way that he was acting at that moment showed me just how different he was than I had thought. He probably thought that I would always be by his side.

Possessive asshole.

I looked away from Mike's pouty face. "Please escort him out." I turned around and then walked back to my office

"Sadie!" I did not look back as I got into my office and took a seat behind my desk. I would have hit my head on the table if my laptop was not there. I spun my chair so that I would look at the city. I took in some deep breaths.

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