23: A goodbye note.

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I was released from the hospital.

I did not know what to expect. Would the paparazzi want pictures of Derek and I? Would they stalk us and never give us any privacy? They probably would, considering that Derek had been on break ever since I was admitted. So because of me TMW had taken their long deserved break.

He'll be starting work soon, especially now that I was healthy again.

I still had Ken, sadly. Apparently now that everyone knew that Derek and I were officially dating and had a history together, the fans wouldn't be happy.

There were a lot of paparazzi, but thanks to the Mandlas and Ken, we managed to get safely to the car. Ken was driving and Duncan and I sat in the back seat. Derek was in the front.

The trip was long, but I was patient.

I couldn't take the stairs, considering that I had a walking stick and was also very slow.

When we got upstairs I was glad. I was finally at my flat. It had been a while since I had seen it.

I was the first to walk in and was surprised when I turned on the lights and everyone that I knew (a bit of an exaggeration) was in my living room, screaming 'Surprise!'. I gasped, as a wide smile spread on my face.

Somehow they had managed to hang up a poster saying Welcome back. There were balloons on the ceiling, and was that cake I saw?

I walked around, quite happy that they had set up the party for me. I did not expect it. I just thought that we would get home and watch movies together.

I enjoyed myself and the cake. At the end a photo was taken and I smiled the widest that I ever had. And the best part about the night? There was left over cake!


I was better. 

Everything was, somewhat, back to normal. After the media got tired of me and realised that I would not be going back into the spotlight, they decided to focus their attention on another rising star. By that, meaning Dan. He was becoming a better actor and was scheduled to play a supporting role in an upcoming drama.

Duncan was in France, teaching. I had to practically force him to go back to what he loved most, which was teaching English in the many countries of the world. He reluctantly left a couple of months ago. He told Derek that he was the one who was supposed to be taking care of me while he was gone. He made sure to not forget to properly explain how Derek would lose his "precious face" if something happened to me. And even after that they managed to get beer together and watch CI4's live concert, to Derek's dismay.

The office was as lively as usual and everyone was happy that I was back. More people wanted my services, which was partly because they found out that I was Sadie. I did not mind that much. Clients were clients, after all.

I was sitting around a table with Party and Gwen, who had died her hair a dark purple. My right hand was in front of them and they were in full view of my new diamond ring. They both gasped at it, Party taking a hold of my hand.

"Look at the size of that diamond." Party grinned at me, giving me a suggestive look. "Three months, you say? Is there a specific reason you're getting married so soon?"

I scoffed, removing my hand from his. Gwen sipped at the smoothie that she had ordered.

"Your mind is always far away, Party. They've been waiting for almost four years to meet again. Don't you think D.Rek would be quick to make her his?" Gwen said. She smiled when she saw the amused look on my face.

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