Chapter 3

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Two moths later here I am still in the hospital— just waking up— and the time reads 11:30. Good thing now, I notice as I stretch my body is that I am no longer bound and tied up to the bed as I had been all this time and it feels great. I feel a great sense of relief and freedom. I feel kind of good this morning actually, for the past few weeks I've been counselled by a very powerful psychologist and a personal trainer who has a degree in a physiotherapy has been visiting me everyday for a month now to assist me in gaining and retaining physical strength.

I take the remote control to switch on the television and the channel playing is cartoon network.

Have you ever wondered about pets? Like, cats and dogs... This is just some food for thought or rather an opinion if you may:
If you first get a puppy and six months later get a kitten you will find that the puppy is not so delighted with the sudden colonization of an animal which embraces attention in totality on a scale of one to ten. On the contrary, if you reverse the whole territorial paradigm and first get a kitten, then half a year later you invite a little puppy the two supposed enemies become the best of friends: I can't help but ponder upon this dirty little thought in my mind that dogs are dogs and cats are pussies!

However, cats ought to be more liberated than dogs hence their hypothetical nine-life mythology.

All these thoughts are actually unfolded and inspired in my subconscious through my visual witness to the episode of Tom and Jerry viewing on DSTV channel 301.

These two characters probably don't see eye to eye because the mouse came after the cat. Well, that could be right and that could be wrong on the face of it, but's my way of looking at it.

As I continue to focus on this brilliant and witty work of art the door opens and through the door walks, Catherine.

"Good morning mister Lamar." She greets me with pleasant enthusiasm as she saunters in with a file in her left hand, and adds on to say: "This is your final day here, sir. In this file are your discharge documents which you have to sign together with your lawyer who is currently on his way here as we speak. Given the situation and nature of your case it is advisable that we follow some legal proceedings for your discharge."

I take a moment to digest this information from Catherine and...

"Good morning, Catherine." With a smile on my face too I show acknowledgement for the good news in her speech...

"Oh, I think I like those news. No wonder I woke up in what is socially accepted as 'The Right Side Of The Bed', I woke up feeling so full of life."

"Oh, I'm glad you are feeling great, mister Lamar." She utters with an amazing smile and I continue in persuasive iteration, "Oh, do call me, Jones."

She smiles and pauses for a few seconds and utters, "I'm glad that you feel so great, Jones."

Peter barges into the room and disrupts the harmony of Catherine's sweet-sweet voice and she jumps in such a ridiculously funny manner that I just can't help but burst into laughter, her face is flushing uncontrollably.

"Oh, sorry I didn't know I'd be interrupting something."
And he stops beside the bed next to Catherine.

"Goodness, you scared the hell out me" she says to Peter with her hands crossed over her bosom. Peter sincerely apologizes and here we are...

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