Chapter 7

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...In just less than an hour my of presence here next to me sits a lady playing with her hair and sipping on a cocktail. Her lips covered in ruby red lip stick...

Next thing we are on the dance floor rockin' the party. Moving from side to side, back and forth, jumping up and down. The music is really a turn up right now! After dancing to three really nice house tracks...

"Whoa! That was really fun! I wanna do it some more!" My new acquaintance screams in complete joy and jumps into my arms.

"It was really great, right?" I also share the moment of excitement with her.

"Totally! Let's go somewhere else and continue the party. I know about a great spot in Midrand, we can party there until we drop!"
She continues in great excitement.

"That sounds like a totally cool idea!"
We get a few drinks from the bar and head outside and she leads us to the parking area where her car is parked: Really nice piece! As the white Mercedes Benz A45 in front of us flashes its indicator lights, she hands me the keys and says, "please drive us, sir." And she jumps in the passenger side.

"Oh well. I guess it is what it is." Thinking out loud I open up the driver seat door and get inside. "Whoa, lady this is a frigging awesome ride I tell you!"

She only goes on to reply with, "so what is my name, mister?"
It suddenly occurs to me now that I haven't created any time to ask for her name and I ask her, "why do you ask?", and she says, "I'd like to see if you know my name by now."

"Well, do you know your name?" I challenge her.
With laughter she says, "Duh! Why would I even be asking if I didn't know?"
I also ask her, "The real question is, Why are you even asking if you do know?"
"Can you stop being silly?" She raises her voice.

"Alright, alright I've stopped, and now I am waiting." I inform her mildly with a raised eyebrow.

"You're waiting for?..." She iterates
"Oh, for you to tell me your name, or who you are generally." I continue in my inquisitiveness.

She also challenges my inquisition by asking how I feel just jumping into a stranger's car and driving off to a place that hasn't been confirmed yet: "What if I am a serial killer?"

"Well, the fact that you just asked 'what if' tells me that you also are uncertain of whether you go around serial killing or not!" I hit her back.

"My name is Pelonomi! In short it's just, Pelo. Which means, 'heart'. You seem to be so smart it's charming." She introduces herself with compliments.

"Whoa! That sounds interesting, say it again!" I tell her and she repeats, "Pelonomi"

"Oh, Pelonomi you say. Did I say it right?" I ask her.

She laughs and says, "That sounds so totally white, but it's alright you'll get the hang of it."

"I prefer to get it right at this moment if you don't mind" I continue to assure her.

"But it sounds so cute for now. I don't wanna ruin the fun you know." She continues in enthusiastic chatter.

"Okay, what can I do to make you work with me right now?" My inquisition falls into deeper persuasion.

"Uhm, let me think about this... Alright, say this, "Pe/lo".
She starts the session of linguistic guidance and repeat after her: "Pe/lo".

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