Chapter 16

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Back to the matter at hand:

"Well, Pastor. I think I've been feeling myself straying away from God for quite some time now. I don't know whether I should say that I'm straying away or simply wondering about a lot of things." I reignite the conversation and continue, "It could be that I'm not only wondering but also seeing things from a whole different perspective. After the death of my parents I'm just not who I used to be anymore.

I really hate how the Bible seems so superficial to me right now. How the whole concept of Christianity and religion, holistically, seems like just a big myth. I am just one person who does not appreciate being taken for a fool.

The problem with religion, though, is that it recognizes me for a foolish person when I simply want be myself. Since change is inevitable, especially with time, I am also inclined to evolve with reality and time itself.

I have gathered that religion is a rejective psychological state of mind. Which triggers the prefrontal cortex from a rejective or contrasting point of view.

Which means that a religious person only sees foolishness in someone who sees things from a perspective which is contrary to theirs.

What then, is peace supposed to be if one person despises the other for something that makes them feel comfortable and content with themselves?

Religion preaches that one should practice what they preach and also to preach what they practice but, many a time I realise how religious people aren't what they are set out to be.

There is no peace in religion from my personal point of view!
I mean, first of all: Let us take the ten commandments into consideration— as they are strategically written in the book of Exodus... Matthew on the other hand includes that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees you shall by no means enter the kingdom of Heaven.

Revelation states that only one hundred and forty-four thousand will be saved. Out of all these billions of people in the world?

If this number is already calculated then what is point of everybody else's lives?

In John Jesus says to his disciples that he leaves them with one command which is to love one another as we love ourselves. That this command sums up all the ten commandments.

I realise that the people behind the whole organization of the Bible had noticed that its such a drag for people to follow a system or list of ten commandments so they created only one command that governs all the ten commandments in the New Testament.

The funny thing with people or society is that we don't all get the same message from the same thing. That is why some people understand math and some people don't. That is also why one mathematical problem can be solved using different methods.

Some people perceive Jesus' command in different ways even though they are said to be Christians. Misunderstanding is a natural thing!

Some people take it overboard. Perhaps as a form of making a sarcastic impression but then the sarcasm magically evolves into reality. Since one's reality lies in one's mind.

And it seems to be as though the majority of Christians have that sarcastic perception going on so, what then is the point of labeling oneself as a religious person if you think its all a joke or if you're simply being terribly misinformed?"

Pastor Watts suddenly barges into my speech saying, "Jones, reality is what you make of it, of course. Your sentiment is quite coherent to me and I've realized that many people feel the way you do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2018 ⏰

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