Chapter 4

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My phone rings during this agonizing interrogation going on in this small office and suddenly the atmosphere becomes peaceful as everybody stares at me. With only the sound of my phone's ringing tone now...

"It's my grandmother!" I interject with my eyes fixed on the screen of my smart phone.

"Well, aren't you gonna answer it?" She asks with some sort of evil persuasion...Like a typical woman she sounds.

I answer the phone as I stand from the chair to establish a sort of comfort zone...pacing around the office while I converse with my grandmother, the sound of her lovely voice makes me feel so much better inside. The call ends in about one minute and twenty seconds, I hang up the phone and when I look up there is finally a smile on my face and everybody stares at me with big surprised eyes.

"Well, that took a lifetime!" Clarkson insinuates with a sarcastic interjection.

I fail utterly in my attempt to discern whether his comment is conveyed in the nature of a question or statement, so I choose to just ignore it and return back to my seat with a simple apology. A few hours have passed now and here we are still in this office, consistently battling this brutal case. I don't understand what the big issue is here because it's quite clear that I am at the bottom of the dream pool.

There is something odd about this whole thing though, I've noticed: I am supposed to be under custody right now, but somehow Peter is managing to keep me free...only am I under his custody for the duration of the trail. Smart guy!

The time reads 21:30 as Peter and I get into his car and drive off to my grandmother's house in Montana. It occurs to me that we haven't even eaten today as I start to experience gramps in my stomach which feels like my body is starting to just feed on itself.

"Damn, I'm so famished man. I feel like I'm gonna die!" I say to Peter and he laughs and says, "relax bro, Jesus made it to forty days and nights."
This gets me laughing too and I iterate, "remember bro, Jesus had food that no one knows anything about!"

Our conversation continues as we share some jokes and I decide to call grandma to confirm if there is food for us to eat when we arrive at home. Delightfully she assures me that there is more than enough for us to eat until we are as big as elephants.

In just less than thirty minutes we are parked outside the gates of my grandparents' house and I give grandma a call to let her know of our arrival. The gates open in a few seconds and we drive in.

It hits me now that I don't have a car anymore since my black monster got smashed beyond repair during the accident. I've seen the images that were taken by the forensic officers at the crime scene and really, I have to say that it is only by the grace of the Most High that someone gets out of such a brutally smashed vehicle alive.

Whoa! Suddenly I feel really thankful that I'm alive right now, even during this current ordeal I'm faced with, contrary to the suicidal feeling that was feeding on me inside back at the police station earlier. Peter and I jump out of the car and my grandfather also steps out of the house to welcome us home.
As I look around, this yard has always had an exquisite ambiance especially at night. Lights positioned strategically to praise the art of the breathtaking landscape. The moon in her fullness shining ever bright while the soft breeze romances the tree leaves with her tender and delicate speed.
"Oh, my boy, my boy! Jonesy. I can't describe how delighted I am to see you here, I've missed you young man. God is truly great I must tell you!" Grandpa says these words with a genuine glow on his face as he grabs me into his arms. I hug him too and tears just start to well out my eyes and I assure him that I'm also very delighted to see him after such a long time in hospital. Peter also receives a hug from him and grandma steps outside too, followed by three of my cousins, two of my aunts and two of my uncles.
"Whoa, what a pleasant surprise. All of you guys are here?"
Suddenly this turns into a little festival of greetings as we all give hugs and lots of love, kisses and laughter.
We all enter the house and walk all the way through to the backyard where the cool lapa with a phenomenal dining area is located. Goodness, I have to say, I could smell the food from inside already and my immune system is really ecstatic right now, my taste buds are anticipating with wonder.
After a little while of extremely humorous chatters the table is fully bedecked and grandpa steals a moment to say grace..."Amen", we all say and start to dig in.
Most delicious food in the world, all sorts of veggies, meat, stewed meat, flame grilled lamb,'s a whole buffet really. Desert follows after our main course and it just tops everything else off.

"Phew, did I miss this, or what?" I ask a rhetorical question with some stupid happiness on my face and grandma tells me just how dearly I have been missed. How happy she is that I'm here eating like a vulture.
After dinner hours pass by as we discuss the matter at hand which is my case. I can't help but begin to feel a whole bunch of agonizing emotions during the time though, I really just try to remain as calm as I possibly can. It is 3am now and we all decide it's finally time for all of us to hit the sack because Peter and I have an obligation to be in court at 11:30 in the morning.

In complete silence the alarm of my smartphone takes advantage of the serenity in the room to wake up me and Peter so we can start getting ready for our hectic day ahead. I take the phone from the side table to disable the alarm. We both sit up on the massive king sized bed in one of the guest rooms and greet each other. When Peter asks me how I had slept I let him know that haven't really been able to achieve any REM sleep due to the endless thoughts in my mind. He tries by all means to assure me that everything will turn out quite fine and I return the favor by trying to have faith in what he says. We get out of bed to bath and get ready to leave. In the shower the water rains all over my body and I begin to process thought after thought and I get consumed by convoluted emotions I just can help but wander in wonder: Whatever is happening lately has me feeling like I'm a slave to the universe: This is worse than being a slave to another man...
The thought of religion invades my deepest of thoughts my subconscious has just erupted and turned into a super intelligence machine! Awakened!
The whole concept of religion boggles me into oblivion. Just pondering upon it I wonder why there has to be a man whom I have to worship in order to accomplish a hearing sense from God. Basically, a messenger. It is with no disrespect to Jesus Christ of Nazareth that I have this burning desire to tell it like I perceive it in my mind, heart and I experience it!
I just can't help this state of cognition I've reached: God is omnipresent, isn't He? So...if Jesus was so much a God as we are taught and made to believe, why didn't he travel the world over to show everyone and all the races on this earth the performances of his miracles so we can all believe the evidence that we see? Why must we have faith in something that sounds like an hypothesis? Why did he inform and show only a particular group of people? I figure the biggest reason behind all this confusion in this life today is Jesus himself! Why would God want to present himself before a certain group of people and leave out the rest of the world? Why would the same people who present Jesus to world, preach that Jesus is the son of God and that goodness, peace and mercy are insured through him but they treat other races like animals and slaves. They victimize the rest of the world for their unlawful unity. They publicly perpetrate that in Jesus we should trust so we can remain slaves to their constitutional laws.
I mean, thinking about all if this it just doesn't add up so well-The whole function of the global system. Oh, but the world is such a filthy place, isn't it? It's all about the survival of the fittest!

I jump back to my current reality and get out of the shower. Coincidentally I bump into Peter in the hallway .
"Great minds truly think alike, don't they?"
"They sure do, Peter." My inclusion follows...

We walk into the bedroom and start preparing ourselves as we speak about our schedule for the day. In just less than an hour everyone is outside in the backyard. The weather is looking blissful and the sky is covered with stratus clouds and the air resistance is at its utmost tranquility leaving the temperature at an excitingly cool level.
We all have breakfast as we chant in laughter from all the jokes told by Kerry, one of my most gorgeous cousins. Her beauty is in direct proportion to the height of her craziness. Oh, Kerry is so insane. On the other hand she is a real genius. An in this I tend to discover that her brain sometimes gets too heavy for her and that transforms her into an hilarious comedian. "Guys, guys I have another one for y'all!" Kerry interjects and our attention is all hers once again. "Okay, here it goes: A woman gets on a bus. The bus driver says: "Ugh, that's the ugliest baby I've ever seen!"
The woman walks right to the rear of the bus, fuming. She says to the man next her: "The bus driver just insulted me!" The man says: "You go up there and tell him off. Go on. I'll hold your monkey for you."

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, ooh-ohh-ooh...
Cling-cling, oh god, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"
Chanting and chanting of laugher, Peter seems not to be able to control his sense of humor and he continues to scream in hilarious bewilderment:
"Kerry, you're killing me!" And he places his hand over his stomach and he falls off his chair like a crazy paralyzed person. This incident just gets everyone around bursting with laughter...

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