Chapter 16- Sammy giving birth

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I look around the room. To see My Family and Drew smiling at me. Then I heard someone screaming in pain. I look Behide me to see Sammy hold her stomach and pool of water under her. My eyes grew wide. I run up to her.

"DREW AND SAMUEL COME HERE, KATE'S WATER JUST BROKE!!" I yelled as They running towards me.

Kate's/Sammy's Pov.

After Rosa's performs is when I feel water running down my legs and made puddle under me. Thing the pain I scream as held my stomach. Rosa turns around look at me wide eyes. Then run up to me. Then I heard her yell for the boys.

"DREW AND SAMUEL COME HERE, KATE'S WATER BROKE!!" she yells as the boys run over here. Samuel pick me up bridal style and carried me to the car the Matthew drove up here. Drew got into the passage side of the car while Rosa, Samuel, and me are in the back. Rosa on my right and Samuel is on left. Both are trying to keep me clam. Rosa is the most wonderful person because she is the one who is keeping me clam the most. Once we got to the hospital, Drew run into the hospital to grab a nurse help me. He came back with nurse. Rosa got out and helps the nurse with getting me out and into a wheelchair. The nurse fast push me into a hospital room.

"Whose the father?" The nurse ask

"I am the father!" Samuel said

"Okay, the rest of you can wait in the waiting room." The nurse

"Wait, can Rosa come with us too, please?" I ask out of pain.

"Sure" The nurse said "I'm going to go get the doctor, can you guys help her into the hospital bed please?" The nurse ask

"Yep" Rosa said as her and Samuel helps me into the hospital bed. After five mintues the doctor and few nurse came back.

"Okay, Kate I will need you to spread your leg a part for us" The Doctor said, so I did what she said. "Okay when I say push you push as hard as you can please, so push" she said. I scream hurtful thing at Samuel as push. After 3 push I hear a cries of a baby. " You have healthy baby boy, He was born exactly at 2:01 pm on January 3rd" The doctor said as she cleans my baby boy. Then handed me him. He had his daddy's dark brown hair, lips while he has my nose, but he had his eye closed, so I didn't see his eyes. In till he slowly opens his eyes, his eye color is brown just like mine. I smile at him.

"So, what is his name going to be?" Rosa ask me

" Sam Mason Johnson" I said look up at them.

Sorry for not updating lately, but here pic of Baby Sam Mason Johnson

Sorry for not updating lately, but here pic of Baby Sam Mason Johnson

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