2-Unicorn Slippers

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I woke up to the sound of moving vans and people walking in and out. I sat up, rubbed my eyes and decided to go find my mom. I looked around and saw a few guys in uniform carrying boxes in, "must be the movers" I thought to myself. I hadn't really gotten a good look at this place yet, the living room was nice. It had high ceilings, white walls, tan carpets and so far just a black couch, which I must say is super fracking comfy. Oh and like a gazillion boxes. I walked to the front door and looked outside, there were a few boxes on the lawn and a big moving truck. I scanned the area with my eyes, looking for my mom.

"Emily!" I heard my mom's voice say.

I looked around and found the source of the noise.

"Mom," I said sleepily walking towards her "I wanted to know which room is gonna be mi.."
I stopped talking mid sentence when I was suddenly aware that there was another boy here. He was bent over grabbing a box, he stood up and started to turn around. 'OMG he's so cute gahhhh. Stay calm Emily, chill. Okay okay, act casual.' I thought to myself. He set down the box and started walking towards me.

"Hi, I'm Justin" he smiled putting out his hand for a shake.
"I'm Emily" I smiled back shaking his hand.

I looked down at my feet and saw that I was still wearing my unicorn slippers. 'Huh' I thought to myself. 'OH CRAP' I panicked 'I LOOK LIKE TRASH. I JUST WOKE UP. IM WEARING UNICORN SLIPPERS!' I thought. I'm wearing leggings and one of my dad's over-sized hoodies and my hair is in a sloppy bun.

I felt my face heat up and I knew that I was blushing, oh crap. Justin smirked and I panicked and said "I uh, I um.. gotta go, nice meeting you!" I said running back towards my house.

Once I was finally back in safety of my home I sighed in relief. Omg I cant believe I just made myself look like such an idiot. I grabbed my suitcase and lugged it up the stairs. There was a long hallway with a few doors. I opened the 1st one on my left and found out that it was the bathroom, it was big. The floors had white tiles and a black stand with a big black counter where the white sink was. A big mirror was hung above the sink. Then I noticed that there wasn't a shower curtain.. I guess we will have to go to the store later. I closed the door a continued down the hallway.

I opened the next door and saw a big empty room. The walls were white, and the carpets tan, the same as the rest of the house. There was a bay window in the back corner and a big walk in closet right next to it. I set walk in and set my suitcase down and open it up to find some clothes. I found a maroon crop top that said 'Dope' in black letters and threw on ny whute low-rise converse. I just left on my leggings and walked to the bathroom with my small bathroom bag. I got out my straighter and turned it on then I opened up my makeup bag, I threw on some mascara and some maroon 'Kylie Jenner' lip gloss on to match my shirt and then brushed out my long brown hair. I straightened it and threw on a white baseball cap. I took one last look in the mirror and shrugged, 'eh, good enough'.

I walked down the stairs and saw my mom.

"Hey mom I was wondering, do you think I could go pick up some things for the house?" I asked
"Yeah that'd be great, do you wanna take your sister too?" She asked
"Yeah sure" I said

"Carlyyy" I yelled up the stairs.
"Yeah?" She asked runnung down the stairs.
"Wanna go to the store with me?" I asked "you can pick out something for your room"
"Yeah!!" She jumoed down the stairs and threw on her Bearpaws and walked out the door.

My mom threw me the keys and I caught them.

"Thanks mom" I said walking out the door.

I turned around and was stopped by something. I fell to the floor butt first. 'Ouchhh. What the hell was that?' I though.

"Omg I'm so sorry" I looked up to see the boy from earlier reaching his hand down to me.
"It's fine" I said taking his hand and pulling myself up.
"So uh, where ya going in such a hurry?" He laughed
"Oh uh, we were going to go get some stuff for our new house. Do you uh, want to come with?" I asked nervously "I mean if you want to, we don't really know where we are goinf and it would be a little helpful" I smiled.
"Uh, yeah just let me go get a hat" he smiled and ran to a house next door.

I got into the drivers seat and looked back at Carly who was buckled up in the backseat with her headphones in. I tapped her knee and when she took out her headphones I told her that Justin was comming with, she nodded and I told her she could play her music on the aux. I handed her the chord and the song 'Selfie' by Mark Thomas started playing. What did I expect, she is only 9.

The car door opened and Justin jumped in wearing a maroon 'Dope' hat.

"I uh, like your hat" I joked.
"Oh yeah" he laughed "I saw your shirt and I jusg had to."

We both started singing along to the song, hey its pretty catchy. Justin pointed us towards the Walmart and we drove off.

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