9-Will you?

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*So I know I haven't been updating much but I haven't been motivated, but break is over and school is back tomorrow so I should be updating more. Please comment and vote! TYSM for reading!❤️*

*Justin's POV*
We got in the car and I started driving to  Taco Bell. I am so nervous, what if she doesn't accept me or, what if she accepts me but doesn't want to date me? There are so many possibilities, I am so worried.

We pulled into Taco Bell and I parked and got out. We walked in together and ordered our usuals. We sat down in a booth near the back and we started eating. It was a little more awkward than usual, I am so worried I can barley talk to her without spazzing out.

"So um, Em, there is uh, something I gotta, ask you, er uh, tell you." I stuttered.
"Yeah?" She asked looking up from her French fries.
"So um, I'm not, a normal boy." I started.
"Omg are you an alien? Were you sent here to cure cancer? Did you fly in a UFO? Are you gonna probe me?" She asked sarcastically.
"I'm not an alien" I laughed
"Oh, so you're not gonna probe me?" She said sarcastically disappointed.
I laughed "Okay but seriously.." I started "I wasn't born a, I'm not a, I'm trans." I finally blurted out.
Em looked at me and then back down at her fries. She picked up a fry "Can I borrow some ranch?" She asked reaching over and dipping her fry in my ranch.
"Em?" I asked.
"Oh I can't use it?" She asked, frowning, "That sucks" she said putting the fry in her mouth.
"Em." I said grabbing her hand before she could grab another fry.
"Yeah?" She asked, confused.
"Why are you acting as if nothing just happened?" I asked.
"Because nothing DID happen." She said, grabbing my hand back.
"What? I just told yo-" I started.
"You just told me nothing." She interrupted me. "This doesn't change anything, you're still Justin. The awesome friend, the guy who helped me when I first moved here, and the GUY who I really really like." She said taking my hands in hers.
I was shocked. "You, you like...me?" I asked.
She nodded her head yes and smiled.
"Well then, do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked her nervously.
"I would love to be your girlfriend." She answered.

*Sorry that this chapter was so short but I really wanted to update and this was all I could come up with. I'm sorry it kinda sucked, I'll try to update more tomorrow!❤️*

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