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*1st of I'm really sorry for not updating often, I've been really busy with school and stuff & I know everyone says that's the reason that they haven't been updating but I literally have a 17% in one class, so I really need to get my work done. Anyways here a chapter and I hope you enjoy it!*

*Emily's POV*

I woke up and felt an arm wrapped tightly around my waist. Justin. I turned around and faced Justin, he was still asleep. He is so fracking cute. I gently kissed his cheekbone and he started moving. He opened his eyes slightly and smiled. Man he is so cute.

"Good Morning Gorgeous" He smiled

"Good Morning" I smiled back.

"So uh, what time is it?" He asked.

"Uh, idk" I smiled "I cant find my phone in this mess of blankets" I said laughing, gesturing at the 'Used to be Fort'

"Oh," He started, smiling "Well uh, I don't wanna get up yet or else id help you find it" He said smirking.

"You're so lazy" I giggled, tickling him and laughing.

"Oh?" He asked, Laughing "Well, maybe im not lazy, maybe I just don't wanna leave your side" He smirked, tickling me back.

"Okay," I said "I should probably go home, my mom must be worried about me" I laughed. "Oh no!" I said in realization. "I didn't go home last night, My mom's gonna kill me."

"Oh my gosh" He said, "Do you think that she'll be mad?!"

"I hope not," I said rushing to get my clothes back on, "I can't find my shirt!" I said in frustration.

Justin stood up and handed me his white 'Truboiz' hoodie, "Here throw this on!" He said opening his door and waiting for me to go out the door.

I fast-walked down the stairs and Justin followed. We stepped outside and saw that it was just getting light out. We ran over to my house and I quietly opened the door. I hugged Justin goodbye and crept up to my bedroom.

I slid underneath the covers and drifted off to sleep, thank god my mom was still sleeping.

Forever Love, a Justin Blake fanficWhere stories live. Discover now