11-The Date

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A look of shock and surprise spread cross my face as I saw where we were going. We pulled into the parking lot and Justin parked the car.

"Justin...." I asked suspiciously.

"Yeah?" He asked smiling.

"This place is wayyy too expensive. I don't- I don't" I started.

"Shhh," He said, shutting me up by kissing my lips. He pulled away and whispered "Em, it's okay."

Justin got out of the car and started walking to the other side. I raised a fingers to touch my lips. Every time Justin kisses me, the world stops. My heart melts and my insides fill with warmth.

The door opened and I stepped out of the car. My ankle bent and I tripped but Justin caught me and smiled. Damn I hate heels. We walked towards the neon sign that read "The Pearl."

"Hello and welcome to The Pearl, table for two?" A tall lady in a nice dress with her hair up in a tight bun said as we entered.

"Yes, we have reservations under the name 'Blake'." Justin said.

"Ah, right this way." She said smiling and then leading us to a small table in the back.

We sat down and she handed us our menus.

"So uh, what are you gonna order?" He asked me.

"I don't know," I said scanning the menu, "This is all so expensive.."

"Emily." he said making that adorable smirk, "Do I need to shut you up again?"

I smiled and continued searching the menu for something that wasn't too expensive. The lady came back and asked for our orders.

"I'll take the...the Brio- uh... or the fouga- uh..." I said struggling to pronounce the weird French words. "Uh, do you guys have any chicken tenders?" I asked giggling.

"Uh, I think we can work something out" She laughed, "And you?" She asked Justin.

"I'll have the same" He smiled.

"Okay, i'll be out with your food soon." She smiled, grabbing the menus and walking away.

"You are so freaken cute." He smiled at me.

I blushed and looked down, "Awh, thanks." I said fastly turning away.

*Time Skip*

Since it was a nice night out and since neither of us lived too far away we decided to walk back to Justin's house.

"I have another surprise for you." He said

"Uhhh" I groaned, "I hate surprises" I giggled

"Well, I think you're gonna like this one." He said as he opened the door and lead me up to his room.

"Woahh" I said as he opened the door to his room and I saw that he had set up pretty lights and made a blanket for with a projector inside.

"I told you so" He smirked as he took my hand and led me to the fort. We both sat down and he started the movie.

I saw the title roll on the screen, "Omg how did you know that I love this movie?!" I asked him.

"I have my ways." He smiled.

We cuddled close and stayed like that as we watched the movie.

Forever Love, a Justin Blake fanficWhere stories live. Discover now