10-The Mall

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*I am currently writing this in the bathroom at my school because I don't want to go to Algebra😂😂🤘🏻 so I hope you enjoy❤️*

*Emily's POV*
About an hour later Justin dropped me off at home. After he asked me out we finished our food and then we took a walk in the park. We just talked about life and got to know each other better, it was really nice.

I walked into my house and yelled up to my mom.

"I'm home!" I yelled
"Okay! Dinner is on the table!" She yelled back.

I walked out into the dining room and saw a plate made for me. I wasn't really hungry since I just ate so I sat there and picked at my plate. When I was done I walked upstairs and changed into some comfy clothes. I threw on a pair of black sweatpants and a purple cheer shirt. Oh yeah, I was a cheerleader before I moved here, I forgot to mention that. I threw my hair up into a sloppy bun and washed my face. I plopped down on my bed and started scrolling through social media on my phone. I saw that I had 17 new snapchats, must be streaks. I opened them all and then sent out one snap that said "streaks" to all of them.  Then my phone started buzzing, I had a text. I opened the text and saw it was from Justin. I smiled and read what it said.

Jay💝🔥- Hey Em, I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date tomorrow night?
Em- Sure! Pick me up at...?
Jay💝🔥- 6 o'clock😄 oh and wear something nice😏
Em- Okay, I can't wait!😊
Jay💝🔥- Me either, anyways goodnight Em! Ttyt❤️
Em- Goodnight❤️

Awh he is so frackin cute. I'm super excited for tomorrow, I wonder where he is taking me? Hmm. I'll have to ask him tomorrow. Omg I don't have anything to wear! I'll have to go shopping tomorrow before he picks me up. All of these thoughts raced through my head as I drifted off into a deep sleep.

I woke up around 10am and decided I should get out of bed and go shopping. I threw on a pair of black leggings and a white sweater. I took down my hair and threw on a plain white beanie. I walked outside of my room and into my sisters. She was sitting on the floor playing with her littlest pet shops.

"Hey sis, do you wanna come with me to the mall? I have to get a dress for a date tonight." I asked.
"Yes!! Can I help you pick it out?" She asked excitedly.
"Well duh!" I said exaggeratedly happy.
"Yay yay yay" She responded.
"Okay hurry up and get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs when you're done." I said walking out of her room and down to the living room where I grabbed the remote and plopped onto the couch. I flipped through the channels and found Drake&Josh. "YESS!" I though to myself as I clicked on it.

A few minutes later my sister came running down the stairs.

"I'm ready!" She said excitedly.
"Uh, you're binging teddy with you?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Yee" she said trying to sound cool.
I laughed and said "You sure?"
"Who else is gonna help me pick out a dress for you?" She said as if I was the dumbest person on earth.
I laughed "Okay" I said as I grabbed the keys and walked out towards the car.

We started driving to the mall and we both jumped out and ran in as soon as we got there. The first store we saw was Claire's. They sell a lot of nice jewelry, we'll have to come back here after I find a dress.

*Time Skip*
I threw on a short black dress that was tight but not too tight. It exposed a little bit of my collar bone and made my butt look really good.

"How does this one look?" I asked doing a little spin in front of my sister and her teddy.
"Awesome!!" She shouted, "This is the one!"
"You really think so?" I asked.
"For sure!" She yelled back.
"Okay lets go checkout." I said as I walked back into the changing room and put on my own clothes.

We bought the dress and then headed back to Claire's and picked out a silver necklace and earring set that would go perfectly with my dress.

When we got home it was around 4pm, I still have some time so I sit down on the couch and hope Drake&Josh is still on. It is so I turn it on and through my feet up and watch a few episodes.

About an hour later I go upstairs and throw on my dress, necklace and earrings. I curl my hair and let it fall down around my face. I put on some clear lipgloss and mascara. I usually don't wear eyeliner but I put on some top eyeliner. I spray myself with my favorite perfume Pink Shiffon from Bath and Body Works. And then I put on some deodorant. I look myself over one last time and then head downstairs. I hear a knock on my door and I open it up to see Justin.

He's wearing black dress pants and a light purple suit shirt with a black tie. His hair is spiked up and he has his glasses on. He looks so hot I just want to grab him and kiss him and never stop.

"Woah" he says at he looks me over "You look.....Amazing" he finishes.
"Thanks, so do you." I smile and then I follow him out to his car.

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