Hershey's Kisses

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Look! TRIPLE UPDATE! Which probably means a lag in updates after this, but still!

And it's fluff! Kinda!

I have finally written something not ansgty! Yay!

He looks at the packet of Hershey's Kisses.

There's only a few left (partly because Nino had pounced on the packet, and partly because Adrien couldn't help himself).

Now who to give it to...

His eyes landed on Marinette, who was sitting on the stairs, sketchbook in hand, frowning at the page and seemingly deep in thought.

He could give them to her!

Clearing his throat, he sat down next to her, and stifled a chuckle that threatened to come out when she jumped, arms flailing.

Once she calmed down, she took a deep breath, and said,

"H-hi Adrien. Uh, what are you doing here?"

She looked at him with her bright blue eyes then, and for a moment, he was looking at an ocean.

Then he shook his head, thinking he had recovered.

Unfortunately, he hadn't.

Which was shown by the next thing that came out of his mouth.

"Do you want a kiss?"

Marinette straight up balked at him, her face as red as a tomato.

Adrien clapped his hands over his mouth. His voice came out muffled.

"I-I meant do you want a-a kiss, I-I mean, one o-of those Kisse, I-I m-mean-OhisthatGorillahereyougobye!"

And with that, he thrust the bag of Hershey's into her hands and promptly fled into the limousine.

The Gorilla looked at him.

"Shut up." Adrien mumbled.

The Gorilla snickered, and continued driving.

Nathalie was so hearing about this.

I have just realised something. These are all very short. So, in compensation, I will POST TOMORROW AS WELL!!!


And I'm at 49 followers. And 7.9K reads. Just one...more...Actually, after the next update, I will not be surprised if no one reads this.


And with that lovely note, I'll update tomorrow!

At least I wrote something resembling fluff today!

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