Chapter Fifteen

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I like to skip around from Third Person POV and Denali's POV, so if one part of the story doesn't make sense think about which POV it's from. If the person is talking in First Person, then it will usually be from Denali's POV unless I say otherwise. I just thought I should clarify that so that reading this may possibly be easier for you guys.

Chapter Fifteen

The under water village was beautiful. At least I thought it was. The way the round house shined underneith the water, it made a cozy feeling settle inside me. I remembered feeling that way when I had lived with my brother and father on Alderaan, back when we were still a family. But that was all over.

Now I had no family.

We continued to swim til we reached one of the large spherical domes. I watched as Master Jinn, Master Fisto, Jar Jar, and Jeesa walked stright through the clear window-like substance that kept the water out of the buildings. I looked over at Obi-Wan, who shrugged, then followed my Master's actions and walked through the bubble.

As we stepped inside, we passed through the squishy clear substance. As I stood on the smooth, tiled floor, I turned around to look at the see-through wall. It looked as if no one had disturbed it at all, not a single dent or smudge had been made on it's surface.

"Interesting..." I said as I gently ran my fingers through the strange air-containment window-like form. The jello-like solid felt weird between my fingers.

"That issa made from special aquatic plants weesa harvest every year on the bottom of the lake. Very convenient for little or nosa credits." Jeesa informed me.

"Yes, very convenient indeed." I agreed with her as we began to walk. I looked around, realizing this large bubble-dome contained smaller ones that must've been homes for the other Gungans. I wondered what life was like for them, always living in bubbles, as we continued to walk on the hard brown walkways.

"Yousa, stoppa right there." a voice behind us said. We all turned around and saw a male Gungan riding a tall creature. I had never seen one like it before. The creature was a light orangish color, had big eyes, a small trunk, four long legs, and hooves on it's feet.

"Hello, Captain Tarpos. Wesa back, just like wesa said." Jeesa said to the man. The man looked important, like a general in an army. He looked at us, as if mentally deciding what to do with the lot of us. After a moment of thinking, he nodded.

"Mesa shall walk yousa to your bongo." the man said as we followed him on his steed.

"What is a bongo?" I asked Jeesa.

"Itsa a water transport. Wesa will need it if wesa want to get to the Naboo." Jeesa said to me. I nodded, understanding what she meant.

"Will you be coming with us?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Mesa agreed to come with yousa to the Naboo. Mesa didn't want Jar Jar to besa alone. Hesa can be...." she looked back at the Gungan who was trailing behind. "Ah...clumsy. Issa the best for all of us if Isa tagged along." Jeesa explained. I nodded once again.

"Well, I'm happy you'll be joining us." I said with a grin. She smiled back.

"Mesa is, too. The only friend mesa has ever had issa Jar Jar. And when you're friend witha Jar Jar, yousa can be pretty lonely."

I continued to chat with Jeesa, learning about her past, her time being taught in the healing arts, and what life was like for her. It was nice to talk to another girl for once. It honestly had been over three weeks since I had spoken to anyone of my same gender. Hanging out with men all the time could get really annoying at times. Along with her telling me stuff about herself, I would answer the questions she would ask me as well. Like where I was from, what I had done before I had joined the Jedi Order, and what I thought about the life of the Jedi.

"Honestly, it's actually quite fun." I answered her. Everyone raised their eyebrows at me. I continued. "Helping people, saving lives, hanging out with some of the coolest people in the galaxy, it all becomes pretty exciting quickly." I said with a smile.

"Do yousa ever missa your family?" she asked me. Master Jinn, Master Fisto, and Obi-Wan all looked at me, their eyes widened. They all knew that my family was a very delicate subject to me. I was silent for a second as I looked down, trying not to cry. I reached my hand up to my cheek where Danik had slapped me. Obi-Wan noticed my actions. I could feel his anger towards Danik radiating through the Force, but I tried to ignore it.

"Actually, I...I don't. My brother had been abusive towards me, my mother died when I was very young, and my father left my brother and I soon after my mother's death. I guess I don't really even have a family anymore. But I remember the small amount of time I had spent with my mother, even though I was only three or four years old when she had passed away." I said to her. Jeesa gave me a sympathetic smile.

"What was shesa like?" Jeesa asked me as we entered the room where the water transports were kept. I smiled at the thought of my mother.

"She was kind....very kind. She was never cruel or unfair to my brother or I. She was always out of the house, but that was because she was a Jedi. Jedi are always helping people. At first it had concerned me when my mother would go missing during the days. Sometimes I would wonder if she would ever come home. But then she would always return to us, she usually brought home presents, too. But then one day...." I said, but I couldn't finish.

"Then what?" Jeesa asked, obviously obsessed with my story. I could tell she was young, probably a year or two younger than me. I let her ignorance slide and continued with what I was going to say.

"Then one day the droids attacked. She picked me up and we ran out the door, but we didn't get very far. The last thing I can remember of that day is seeing her....on the ground....blood pouring from an injury on her back." I choked out. Jeesa put her hand over her mouth, then suddenly wrapped her arms around me. I took a step back, but she didn't budge.

"Mesa so sorry for yousa. Yousa are so strong." she said, and I finally realized that she was crying. I looked over her shoulder at Master Fisto, but he just gave me a small smile. I had never told anyone about my past like this. Not even Obi-Wan. The fact that I was speaking so openly to this complete stranger shocked even me. I patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine, Jeesa." I said, a small smile on my face, as she slowly let go of me. She wiped the tears from her eyes. We walked towards a small blue vehicle. It looked kind of like a strange fish from the deep, the way it's propellers looked like fins. Jeesa looked up at the man on the beast who had escorted us to our water transport.

"Thank yousa, Captain Tarpos. I hope wesa see eachother again." Jeesa said as she climbed into the vehicle. Jar Jar followed and sat in the seat beside her. I climbed in and sat shot-gun as Obi-Wan climbed into the pilot's seat. Master Jinn and Master Fisto sat down in the very back beside eachother.

'Thank you, by the way.' Obi-Wan thought to me.

'For what?' I thought to him as the roof of the bongo closed ontop of us. Obi-Wan pressed a few buttons on the control panel and the vehicle began to back out of the bubble and into the water.

'For not leaving me behind.' he thought back to me. I gave him a small smile, making sure that no one else noticed.

'I wouldn't leave you even if you wanted me to. You're stuck with me.'

'I wouldn't have it any other way.'

* * * * * * * * * * 

Awwww!!! Cute little Obi-Wan/Denali moment!!! Comment, vote, and follow if you adore this little couple!!! XD


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