Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

I continued to walk, my hood expertly hiding my tear-filled eyes. My boots lightly touched the ground, leaving footprints in the sand as I walked down the street, away from Obi-Wan. It was all for the best. If I stayed away from Obi, and he stayed away from me, we'd both be fine. We'd live our lives seperately, free of eachother. I didn't want to hurt him, and he didn't want to hurt me.

One step...two steps...three steps....four steps.....five steps....six steps....

Why was I counted my steps? What was I waiting for?

Seven steps.....eight steps......nine steps.......ten steps......

I kept going, my feet feeling like lead. Was I making the right choice? I mean, I didn't want any harm to come to Obi, physically or mentally. I was doing this for him. When you love someone, you do what you can to protect them. Even if it means leaving them behind.

I remembered when my father left. Maybe he was just trying to protect my brother and I from something awful, and that was why he left us. Maybe he was trying to save us in some strange shape or form. Just like I was leaving Obi.

I stopped walking. Instead, I starting running. The faster I got away from him the better. My heart started pumping as my legs began to move at top speed. I kept going, not stopping. I knew that the walk from the Anakin's house to the ship was long. That was exactly what I needed, a long walk away from my problems. But the only thing wrong with that.... the walking part.

I wasn't walking. You would've had to strap me down to get me to stop. I kept helucinating that Obi-Wan was shouting my name, telling me to wait. I wasn't going to stop. I took my braid out as I ran, feeling the wind through my long blonde hair. I wanted to feel free. I even took off my boots, holding one in each hand. The hot sand burnt the skin on my feet. But that only made me run faster.

Go....Don't stop....Keep going...You can't be stopped....

Those words echoed through my mind. I began to sweat. But I couldn't stop. I wouldn't stop. Thoughts raced through my mind, but they were going by too quickly to keep track of them all. I could feel energy surging through my body. I wasn't going to stop. I was going to keep going. I was in a rush, going to who-knows-where.

But then a face appeared in my head.


I suddenly stopped in my tracks, causing a huge puff of dust to form. I stood there, my hood down, tears running down my cheeks. My shoulders were shaking as I realized that I wasn't even close to the ship. My mind wanted me to go one way, but my heart had told my feet to run somewhere else.

The pod-racing arena.

I ran to the doors, making sure to put my shoes on first, and threw them open. The ticket-booth was closed, but I didn't let that stop me. The alien at the booth was sleeping behind his desk, his feet resting ontop of his computer keyboard. His head was thrown back, snoring sounds came from his mouth. I quietly set down a few credits next to his feet, then snuck past him.

I felt the burst of adrenaline from the crowd as I entered the arena. People were shouting crazily. I knew the race was almost over by the screams of anger from men and women in the bleachers who knew they were about to lose the bets they had made. My eyes drifted down towards the pits where the crews were waiting. I looked around and saw Jeesa and Jar Jar standing next to C-3PO and R2.

That was where I was headed.


(Okay, now that there is the line, that means I will be telling the story from Anakin's POV)

I was almost there. Sebulba's podracer was stuck to mine, and I knew that if I wanted to win this race, I'd have to shake him off. I needed to win. I had too. If I didn't, then I'd continue my life as a slave. Possibly forever. I wasn't going to let that happen.

I quickly steered my podracer up, then to the side. Sebulba's immediately flew off, ramming against the ground, shattering into pieces as I rode by. I could hear the crowd screaming, shouting, cheering as I flew past, over the finish line. The announcers were going nuts as I stood up on my seat, pumping my fists into the air.

"Anakin! Ani! You did it!" I heard a feminine voice shout. I turned and looked through the crowd that was beginning to form on the racing track. The first person I saw running to me wasn't Master Jinn, Jeesa, Jar Jar, 3PO, R2, Padme, or even my mother. It was the person I least expected to be here.

"Denali! You're here!" I shouted happily as I hopped down from my podracer, running towards her. She wrapped her arms around me, and I hugged her back. I was so happy, words can't even describe it.

"I wouldn't have missed you winning this race for the universe." she said to me, smiling sincerely. I felt two hands pick me up and I realized it was Master Jinn. He lifted me up onto his shoulders and we all shouted happily, celebrating my victory.

"You're free, Ani! You're free!" Denali told me, trying to make her voice heard over the crowd. I felt like crying tears of joy, but I wouldn't cry infront of Denali. The moment was too amazing, too unbelievable. I couldn't believe it. Everything was even more amazing than I had ever imagined.

After the big race and collecting the money I had earned from winning, we made our way back home.

"Hey, Ani, you think you can beat me home?" she asked me. I smirked up at her.

"I just won the Boonta Eve race, I have a feeling beating you will be a breeze." I said to her. Jar Jar, Padme, Jeesa, R2, and 3PO all said 'Ooooo' as I accepted Denali's request for a race. We stood side-by-side, Qui-Gon telling us when to go.

"Alright. Ready.....set......GO!" he shouted, Qui-Gon grabbed Denali's arms as I blasted forward, giving me a head start. After a few seconds of the others laughing, I heard Denali catching up to me.

"I've got you, Ani!" she shouted ahead to me, laughing. "I'm catching up!"

"I'm gonna win!" I shouted back at her as my house came into view. I was almost there....just a few feet......

"Got you!" Denali shouted as she wrapped her arms around my waist just as I was pressing the button on the control panel to open the door. We fell into the house, breathing heavily as we tried not to pass out from laughing so hard.

"I....think....I.....won...." I said in between fits of laughter.

"No....way.....I....won!" she said back, laughing just as hard. The others arrived at the house, chuckling at us as we lay on the floor. Nothing could ruin this moment.

Accept for the Padawan standing over us.

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