Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Chapter Thirty-Nine

"What should his name be?" Denali asked as Master Fisto handed the baby back to her. They had just finished burying the wookiee baby's parents, and were now walking back to where their ship was located when Denali had brought up the subject. The two Jedi masters were leading the way, Obi-Wan and Denali following close behind through the dense swamp.

"Well, since it's very likely that you'll be training him some day, I think you should have the right to name him." Master Jinn said.

"But I don't know any good wookiee names, unless you want me to name him something more human-ish, like 'Fred'?" Denali asked, causing all four of them to start laughing. It was obvious that 'Fred the Wookiee' wasn't a very good title for the baby, they all could tell. Just imagining the sound of the name 'Jedi Master Fred' made them all want to break down with laughter.

"Maybe you should try a different name." Obi-Wan said after they had finally stopped laughing.

"How about.....'Chewbacca'?" Master Fisto suggested.

"'Chewbacca'? How did you come up with that?" Master Jinn asked as he followed the tracking transmitter on his commlink to lead them back to the ship.

"I was on Kashyyyk once, the home world of the wookiees. Every single one that I met had a name similar to the one I suggested. It's a very proud name, I'm sure it's Jedi worthy." Master Fisto said as the ship came back into view. The hull sparkled in the sunlight, just like it had when Denali had tried to keep her eye on it when she was following the pull of the Force. She looked down at the small baby in her hands. The wookiee looked back up at her, a huge grin on his face. She smiled and tickle his stomach, causing him to giggle uncontrollably.

"Then Chewbacca it is. And we'll call him 'Chewie' for short." She said with a grin as she tossed him up into the air. He squealed with delight as she caught him in her arms again.

"You know, you would've made an excellent mother if you hadn't have joined the Jedi Order." Master Jinn said with a small smile as the ship got bigger the closer they got to it. Denali scoffed as she tossed the baby in the air again, this time Obi-Wan catching him. The baby stared at it's new holder for a second, then giggled again. Obi-Wan couldn't help but smile as well as he tossed the baby back to Denali. It squealed happily again as she caught Chewie in her arms.

"I probably wouldn't have survived long enough to become one. Zendara would've killed me if you guys hadn't come along, remember?" Denali said as she smiled down at Chewbacca.

"You would've been fine without us. You were very smart at that age, you would've survived." Obi-Wan said with a small reassuring smile on his face. Denali rolled her eyes.

"No, I wouldn't have. Zendara would've strangled me to death just like she had tried to when I was in the hospital. If you hadn't kicked the door down, I would've been a goner. You and I both know that for a fact." Denali told him. Master Fisto turned around, a concerned look on his face.

"You've never told me this before, Denali. Is that truly what happened?" He asked her. She nodded.

"Obi-Wan rescued me. If it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't be here right now." Denali stated.

"Hey, she would've killed me if you hadn't Force-pushed her into the wall." Obi-Wan said modestly.

"You both saved each other." Master Jinn said. Denali sighed with a huff.

"Alright, I guess I can live with that." She admitted.

"There's nobody there. The Gungan city is deserted. There was some kind of fight, wesa think." Jeesa said as she and Jar Jar came to the surface of the lake, stepping back onto dry land. Denali held Chewie in a sling on her back, the baby wookiee gently playing with her long braid once again. The Queen and her handmaidens listened as well, each one dressed and ready for combat if necessary. Anakin stood there as well, wondering what they were going to do.

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