first impressions

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"So you live with your grandpa only?", Jimin asked and blew on his coffee before taking a sip. The café was small but cozy. Not many people were coming here so Jimin grabbed Seulgi's hand and got her to the café to talk in more peace. Seulgi smiled. "He's my everything."

Jimin studied her face. She was indeed beautiful. He liked how he could stare at her without her noticing. "Can I ask about... Well, your parents?", Jimin carefully said.

"Oh them... Well..", Seulgi played with the hem of her sleeve. "Grandpa told me that my mom died while she was giving birth to me... And my dad..", her eyes got teary and Jimin immediately felt guilty. "Grandpa told me he is a bad man so he never really goes into detail. I don't know anything about him."

Jimin leaned over and placed his hand on Seulgi's. "You are a strong girl." Seulgi giggled. "It's God's given choice. So please Jimin, if we are going to get friends, I'm warning you - if you should treat me differently than your other friends, I will choke you."

Jimin bit his lip. "Damn you got some attitude. I like that. Choke me", he whispered the last part. Seulgi who still heard it suddenly went silent. It was the first time a boy approached her like that.

"Where the fuck did you go again man?", Hoseok said as he walked to their table, with Joy trailing behind. "You two were annoying so I decided to rescue Seulgi from that hell", he said and finished his coffee.

Joy rolled her eyes. "You could have told me about Hoseok being such a fun boy", she slung her arm around his neck. "He's the real MVP. Who else would randomly start dancing to Big Bang on the streets because he needed coins for the snack machine?"

Hoseok high-fived Joy and leaned back in his seat. Seulgi chuckled at the story she heard. "I wish I could dance."

Jimin looked at her immediately. " I will teach you."

"But the tour?"

"Who cares about the tour. I know Busan better than those tour guides. Mornings we will visit some dope places and evenings I will teach you some basic dance moves!", Jimin smiled proudly at his own idea.

Hoseok snorted. "What about me and Joy?"

"You two can join the group for the tour and have some fun on your own", Jimin winked.

Joy smirked and looked at Hoseok who seemed to be blushing. "We will be a great duo, Hobi."


The girls waved goodbye as they reached their hotel. They walked upstairs and Joy helped Seulgi to get into bed.

Meanwhile, Hoseok and Jimin walked down the now empty streets of Busan. "So what's with you and Seulgi?", Hoseok asked and kicked a little rock. "Huh? What do you mean", Jimin yawned and stretched his arms.

"Oh come on. We both know why we are in Busan. The trip is important for our plan... why did you suddenly decide not to join it? Did you forget about it?" Jimin smirked. "Hobi, it seems like you forgot who you are talking to. This is all a part of my plan. Do you really think anyone would suspect a blind girl?"

Hoseok raised his brows. "So you will use her for that?"

"Why else would I bother with a blind girl and her problems. She will be good camouflage."

"Man", Hoseok nodded thoughtfully. "I knew you never have mercy with your victims... But I never knew you were that heartless."

"That's life, Hoseok. You have to become heartless to survive in this cruel world."

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