ending scene

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"Hey, Jimin... Do you think that we will have a happy ending?" Seulgi asked as she stretched out her arms to the sky filled with a million stars. The sky was crystal clear and it felt like she could touch it and just grab a star for herself. She shifted a little on the hard surface of the grass and turned to look at Jimin who was lying next to her.

The boy blinked softly, looking at the sky, the sound of the river in the background as a perfect match to the beautiful night sky. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Yes. I think we do." He turned his head to the girl who was smiling up at him and placed a soft kiss on her nose. Seulgi chuckled and shifted so she could hug Jimin and even nuzzle her face in his chest. Jimin immediately wrapped his arms around her petite figure, gently caressing her back to keep her warm.

"I think so, too," Seulgi mumbled, obviously tired and about to fall asleep. "It's what we deserve. We have been through so much. Mainly because of me..." Jimin said in a husky voice, looking up at the sky again. He felt guilty to hold Seulgi like this, knowing that she trusted him with every inch of her body while he was a liar. But he loved her. He loved her now, and he loved her in Busan two years ago.

They just met at the wrong time, in the wrong place. But maybe it was faith. Maybe it was all planned that they met like that, under those circumstances. Still, Jimin thought it was unfair. He just wished he never entered Taemin's gang. He wished he could turn back time and never even meet him so that he could have a normal life. Jimin dreamed of taking Seulgi to dates without worrying that his phone would go off any second, Taemin calling him for another mission. He just wanted to give her all of his love and make her happy just like he saw in the movies.

Reality hit him and he looked down at Seulgi, sleeping on his chest. He kissed the top of her head and breathed in her scent. "I wish you never met me Seulgi. I wish you met someone who treats you like the queen that you are. But I promise... as long as I am breathing, I will protect you. No matter what. I won't let anyone hurt you as I hurt you back then. I will make you happy even if that means that I have to give up my life. I owe you at least that."

And Jimin kept his promise. He did as he promised, laying on the ground as he snapped for air. He felt like he was drowning and everything around him was spinning. He heard Hoseok's familiar voice, calling out his name before another gunshot echoed in the air.

Sooyoung ran to Seulgi who froze, her hands grabbing onto the bleeding chest of Jimin. "Seulgi! Hey!" Sooyoung shouted, also crying as she looked at Jimin struggling for air while he was covered in blood. She tried to snap Seulgi out of her shock and slapped her finally. They looked at each other for a second before Seulgi began shouting for Jimin.

Hoseok pulled the trigger on Taemin twice and he fell to the ground. But Hoseok was too late, Taemin had already shot Jimin when they arrived and a smirk was visibly plastered on his lips while his lifeless body lay on the ground. Taemin might die today but at least he wasn't dying alone he thought as he closed his eyes in triumph.

Hoseok ran to Jimin and tried to pick him up. "Hobi..." Jimin breathed out, his eyes reddened from the pain. The called boy was crying silently, holding onto his friend. "I am sorry Hobi... Look what I made you do... I am sorry my friend..." Hoseok shook his head quickly. "Shut your fucking mouth and stop wasting your energy... Don't worry, the guys will be here anytime and we will get you back to the strong idiot you were, okay?"

Jimin struggled to breathe but still managed to let out a chuckle. He turned around to look at Seulgi, knowing he would regret it. But he wanted to see her face for the last time. "Seulgi..." The girl looked at him, her body was shaking with fear and shock. She tightly held onto Jimin's chest where he was shot, hoping that she could maybe stop the bleeding. "You can't leave me... Not again Jimin..."

Taking a deep, hurtful breath which made him scrunch his face, Jimin looked at Seulgi. "Maybe... Maybe we just don't deserve a happy ending, hm? Seulgi, please... please forgive me..." The girl shook her head and looked at her hands covered in her lover's blood.

"S-Seulgi, let's go inside and wash up, hm? Hoseok will take care of him," Sooyoung said, her voice shaking when she noticed that Jimin closed his eyes. But Seulgi shouted and fought against it, resisting to hold onto Jimin's wound until he was magically healed. Hoseok pulled his legs to his chest, crying silently.

The girl, lost in her stubborn belief to save Jimin, didn't realize that he already stopped breathing. And so she kept talking to him, saying he would be fine just now when in reality he wouldn't hear her voice again. Ever.

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