feel the beat

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Joy groaned when she woke up from the loud knocking at their door. She sat up in bed, her hair looking in all possible directions. With a loud sigh, she stood up and walked to the door.

"Oh man holy shit, do girls always look this scary in the morning?", Hoseok smiled as he watched Joy giving them death glares. "What the fuck do you want. It's like 5 in the morning.", she closed her eyes, still sleepy.

Jimin giggled and pushed her to the side. He walked into their room and looked around. "Actually it's 8, sunshine. And the tour begins at 8.30 so better get ready."

Seulgi woke up from all the noise and slowly walked to the room where the three stood and talked. "Jimin? Joy?"

"And Hobi!", Hoseok cheered, making Seulgi smile.

"Good morning! The early bird catches the worm so come on get ready the tour starts today!"


Seulgi sighed as the tour guide still talked about the painting in which the group stood in front of. Joy yawned, still tired. Hoseok played a game on his phone, undercover of course. And Jimin stared at Seulgi.

As if Seulgi could feel the stares she reached out to hold Joy's hand but Jimin was faster and held her hand already. "It's boring, isn't it?", he whispered into her ear, making shivers run down her spine. She nodded.

The group moved on to the next painting but when Seulgi wanted to follow them, Jimin pulled her back. "I will show you something more interesting. Come with me." He carefully leads her to the emergency exit and helped her up the stairs which were usually only for use when a fire escalated.

After a while, Jimin pushed the heavy door open and helped Seulgi to follow him. The cold breeze hit her face and made her hair fly back in the wind. "Where are we?", she closed her eyes and enjoyed the cold wind stroking her pale skin. Jimin stood in front of her, mesmerized by her beauty, and smiled.

"This is the rooftop of the museum. Don't you think it was boring as hell? And for that shit, I woke up early. Seriously tour guides don't know how to appreciate real art." Seulgi smiled and reached out for Jimin's hand. "C-Can you help me? I don't know the surroundings.."

"Oh", Jimin quickly held her hand and they walked a little until an idea popped into his mind. "Seulgi, you wanted to learn how to dance right?" Seulgi blushed. "Oh.. That.. Well, I-"

Jimin giggled. It was the most beautiful sound Seulgi has ever heard. "Don't be shy. No one can see us here anyway." He picked his phone from his pocket and searched for the song he had in mind.

When Seulgi heard the sound she smiled immediately. "That song-" But she was interrupted when she felt two arms around her slim body. Jimin stood behind her, she could hear his breathing next to her ear. "Shh.."

He placed his hands on her shoulders and slowly slid them down her arms, intervening their hands. "Close your eyes and feel the beat. That's how you dance..", he whispered into her ear and Seulgi nodded, doing what she was told to.

Jimin spun her around and placed his hands on her hips. Seulgi slung her arms around his neck. Their bodies were close and Seulgi's heartbeat got faster with every move Jimin showed her. Her hair flew in the wind and Jimin smiled at how beautiful she looked.

The song slowly came to an end and Seulgi was standing alone in the middle of the rooftop, her breathing uneven. Jimin slowly walked around her and then hugged her from the back. Seulgi took a deep breath when she felt his warmth embracing her again as the wind stroked her face.

For the first time - she felt alive.

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