playing with fire

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"I just don't get it? Why would you compare two artists? They are both good and successful in their genre of music!", Joy complained as she read some shit on Twitter again. "I know right? People really need to calm their fucking asses and appreciate music and stop comparing and bringing back stupid rumors", Hoseok sighed when he saw the tweet too.

Seulgi sipped on her drink, her head lowered, cheeks still a light shade of pink. Jimin leaned on his hand and watched her, smiling. "Jimin, should we go?", Hobi said after everyone finished their dinner. Jimin waved his free hand. "You go, I want to take Seulgi somewhere first." Seulgi's head shot up. "Huh?"

Jimin smiled and leaned over to grab her hand. He locked their fingers and Seulgi stopped breathing for a moment. Joy rolled her eyes and stood up, pulling Hoseok with her. "Come on Hobi, they obviously don't want us. We can go play SingStar or something."

The two left and Seulgi's breathing started to get uneven. "Where are we going?", she asked as Jimin pulled her up and lead her down a hall. Jimin only giggled and stayed silent.

After what felt like forever of walking for Seulgi, they finally arrived. Jimin unlocked the door with a card and stepped inside, leading her inside too. "I thought that a little fun with a little bit of karaoke is always the best way to end such a beautiful night don't you think?" Seulgi's eyes widened. "B-But Jimin! I can't sing!"

Jimin giggled, once again a beautiful melody that Seulgi loved to hear. "Seulgi, I can't sing either but let's have some fun! I bet you know most of these songs and you don't have to know all the lyrics as well." He walked to the little boot and clicked on some buttons. Meanwhile, Seulgi tapped around the way to sit on the fluffy couch.

The blond tossed his body next to her and pressed a mic into her hand, his own mic at his lips already. "Just let it flow. It's like when we first started to dance. Hard at first, but once you feel comfortable you don't want to stop."

Seulgi nodded and touched the mic in her hands. She gulped nervously when the music echoed loudly in the room. Jimin cleared his throat and started singing first, he placed his hand on Seulgi's to calm her down.

Please don't see..
Just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies
Please see me
Reaching out for someone I can't see

Take my hand
Let's see where we wake up tomorrow
Best laid plans
Sometimes are just a one night stand
I'll be damned
Cupid's demanding back his arrow
So let's get drunk on our tears and

God, tell us the reason
Youth is wasted on the young
It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run
Searching for meaning
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?

He squeezed her hand and Seulgi took a deep breath before she continued to sing the next verse. She was indeed nervous but feeling Jimin's hand on hers made her skin burn and relaxed her in a weird way.

Who are we?
Just a speck of dust within the galaxy
Woe is me
If we are not careful turns into reality

Don't you dare
Let our best memories bring you sorrow
I saw a lion kiss a deer
Turn the page
Maybe we'll find a brand new ending
Where we're dancing in our tears and

God, tell us the reason
Youth is wasted on the young
It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run
Searching for meaning

Jimin locked their fingers and they sang the last part together.

But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?

The music faded and Jimin stared at Seulgi who still had her eyes closed. She put the mic down and placed her free hand on her chest. "My heart is beating crazily right now", she giggled. Jimin smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear. Seulgi tensed up at the sudden move. She could feel his breath close to her face and her eyes widened even more when she felt a pair of soft lips pressed against hers.

Jimin cupped her face and softly kissed her, not wanting to scare her away. What he didn't expect was Seulgi placing her hands on his and kissing him back slowly.  Seulgi knew she was playing with fire but she just couldn't hold it back anymore. It was the first time she felt this way, a whole new experience; in her little world.

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