three dollar

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Joy scoffed. "10 dollars? Who do you think you are fooling? Those phone cases are 3 dollars online. Get out my face", she said dropping the case back on the table. She grabbed Seulgi by her arm and pulled her to the next store.

"Joy, I am so tired... We are like shopping for hours already. Can't we finally go home?", Seulgi whined, still being dragged along by Joy.  "Go home and what then? Grab your laptop and watch kdramas until you are desperately eating ice cream, calling me at 2 in the morning to tell me you want to marry Kang Chul? Not again, Seulgi."

Seulgi pouted, looking at the many colorful shirts in the store. "But he was hot and he loved her so much even after all the shit they have been through.."

"He was hot and just a damn kdrama character. Why don't you find a boyfriend in the real world, I mean look around? There are some hot guys walking around", Joy said as she scanned the price tag for a red dress.

Seulgi puffed her cheeks and walked to the cute pink shirt she saw on a mannequin. Smiling, she held the shirt against her chest and checked in the mirror how it would look on her. Her eyes soon caught a boy staring at her from a distance in the mirror. He seemed to be very serious and lost in thoughts as he watched her. Feeling uncomfortable she took the shirt and walked to Joy.

"What's wrong?", Joy immediately noticed the change in Seulgi. The elder shrugged, pointed at her back. "There is a boy watching me."

"Finally! Why don't you go and talk to him? Where is he?", Joy grinned looking around the store. Seulgi grabbed Joy's arms. "You are so obvious can you not?", she whisper-shouted and looked at the spot where the boy stood but he was already gone. 

Joy rolled her eyes. "Whatever, come on I want to try this dress on." Seulgi nodded, her eyes still locked on the spot the boy was standing. She sighed, suddenly feeling weird but quickly shook her head and followed Joy.


"So you found them?"

"Yes, Sir. Both of them. But seems like the blind girl is no longer blind. But I don't think she will be a threat to us since she doesn't know how we looked like", Hoseok bowed down and placed his hands on his thighs after he sat down. "Good... And the other one? What was her name..?"

"..Joy", Hoseok gulped and looked at his boss.

"Joy", the man took his whiskey, taking a sip of the drink. "Joy, " he whispered again. "She has to be eliminated. She surely remembers too much and would only cause unnecessary drama. You are one of my best men, Hoseok. So I am leaving this mission for you. Don't disappoint me", he smirked and turned in his seat. "You may leave now."

Hoseok nodded and quickly left the room, closing the door behind he leaned against the wall and ran a hand through his hair. "Shit..", he groaned and left the building with quick steps. "Jimin, man I need you..", he mumbled as he dialed his number.

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