how long

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"How long has your friend been missing?", the police officer asked as he took some notes, looking up from time to time to check Seulgi's condition. Seulgi was sobbing as she wiped her tears. "F-For almost... 3  weeks now...", she said between her sobs.

"Alright, how did you notice that she is missing? Do you have any suspects? You need to tell me more if you want me to find your friend", he sighed before he sipped on his lukewarm coffee. Seulgi nodded, rubbing her eyes before she took a deep breath.

"Okay, so the last time I saw her was... when we were shopping I think...", she tried to remember, frowning. "I don't know why but we didn't talk to each other after that, I tried calling her a few days after. We wanted to meet at the mall but I waited for hours. She didn't come", she let out a shaky breath. "I don't know whom I could call out because she didn't really have anyone hating her that much..."

The police officer nodded as he wrote something down. "Okay, so we will send some people to her house and check if we can find anything there. We will also put those in the news so don't worry."

"What if... What if you can't find her...", Seulgi's voice cracked, she froze on her spot and started to shake lightly. The officer waved at his friend and signaled him to get some water. He stood up and sat down next to Seulgi, carefully rubbing her arm. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine."

Seulgi looked up to meet the police officer's eyes as she nodded slowly, blinking softly. "I trust you."


Seulgi walked down the street, her heels clicking every time her feet touched the ground. She sighed, breathing in the cold night air. Her heart started to race when she noticed the second shadow on the ground following her. She gulped, speeding up her pace, still trying not to catch too much attention.

She looked at the ground and saw the shadow was still there and without thinking any further she started to run. Her vision got blurry from the tears, the cold air hitting her face. Holding tightly on her bag she ran into an alley, leaning her back against the wall. She took deep breaths, trying to catch her breath.

Carefully she peeked her head to the main street but she didn't expect a rough grip on her wrist. With wide eyes, she turned her head and was face to face with a man wearing a black cap and a black coat. "You are fast, I almost lost you", the person breathed out heavily.

"J-Jimin?", Seulgi blinked slowly, feeling her body getting weaker. Before she could collapse on the ground, Jimin caught her falling against his chest.


The smell of sweet cinnamon tea mixed with orange filled the room, making Seulgi's eye flutter open. She was laying in a big bed with several sheets, her hair messily spread on the pillow. She rubbed her eye with the back of her hand as she sat up, looking around the room.

It was a big room yet had very detailed and picked items placed around. The walls were white and the bed was placed in the middle of the room, behind it was a big window with white curtains hanging on each side.

Seulgi blinked softly and noticed the only colorful item in the all-white room was the yellow blanket on her. She held the soft fabric between her hands, close to her face. The smell of it reminded her of someone...

"Oh, you woke up."

She shot her eyes open, looking at the door where Jimin walked inside, with a tray in his hand. Placed on it were two yellow cups, the light fume showing that the content must be hot. "I made you some tea. Are you feeling better?", he asked as he placed the tray on the nightstand, taking both cups, handing one of them to Seulgi which she carefully took.

"What happened? How did I end up here?", she had a scared look on her face which hurt Jimin but he tried to hide it with a smile. She will trust me. Soon. Just be patient.

"I saw you walking down the street yesterday. I called your name a few times but you were lost in thoughts. When you started running away I just... somehow followed you especially when you walked into that dark alley. I was worried so-"

"Why would you be worried about me. And why did you bring me here? I want to g-go home.", she placed the cup back on the tray, trying to get up but Jimin held her hand. "Wait, what are you doing?"

"Let me go, I want to go home.", Seulgi got free of his grip and stood up, her naked feet touching the cold ground. She shivered but made her way to the door, only to be pulled back by Jimin.

"Hey, wait...", he cupped her face and his heart dropped when he saw her crying. "S-Seulgi... Why are you crying-"

Seulgi hugged him tightly, wrapping her arms around his waist as she buried her face in his chest. "Y-You are an idiot, Jimin", she mumbled against his chest.

Jimin, on the other hand, didn't know how to react when Seulgi suddenly hugged him. He came back to his senses and placed his hands on her back, caressing her hair gently.

"I thought... I thought you were a murderer... Who came to kidnap me... Just like J-Joy", she said between her sobs. Jimin stiffened when he heard her say that. He gulped and closed his eyes, mentally cursing at Hoseok.

"Shh..." he tried to calm her down. "I am here. And as long as I am here, with you... no one will even dare to touch you", he said feeling the need to protect her rise inside of him.

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