werewolves are so much fun

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The first thing Gwen becomes aware of is her hands tied behind her back. Second, duck tape muffling her try's  to shout for help. She sits up with some difficultly. Her  vision slowly coming into focus. Eyes taking in the black bars surrounding her, Its a cage.

It been in the built back of a RV. A old one with dated windows and cramped space. That holds a kitchen, eating area and a spot to sleep up top.

Gwen's  observations are cut by her kidnappers voice "Well look who woke up."

She glares at the tall man with dark brown hair, masculine features and high cheekbones. He unlocks the cage stepping in and bending down to her level. A blue stone held between two bones hangs from his neck. Without a warning he rips the duck tape off.

Ignoring the flare of pain Gwen parts her dry lips, in hopes of answers and  distract him she asks,"Where did you get that protection amulet?"

"Don't worry you'll meet the witch soon enough," Gwen flinches as he pats her cheek.

A women calls out "Brady, leave her alone."

Gwen looks past his shoulder to a female with dirty blonde hair and sharp facial features.

"Relax Jules was just chatting," Brady roughly shoves the duck tape back over Gwen's  mouth.

Damon Salvatore was in a foul mood

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Damon Salvatore was in a foul mood. All thanks to his brothers brilliant plan to bring back John Gilbert. Damon didn't trust John. They needed to have a little chat but it is always best to have backup.

Confidently Damon marches towards a black hotel door. Pounding five times with his fist. Until it opens revealing a surprised Trent Williams opens. Another person in town he didn't trust.

Damon holds back his scowl as Trent plasters on a smile "Can I help you? "

"Tell Gwen I'm here to talk." Damon commands.

Trent drops his smile "She isn't here."

Not believing him. Damon stares straight into Trent's chocolate eyes "Tell Gwen we need to talk."

Trent holds up his wrist showing off
a bracelet with one celtic bead "Compulsion won't work." His wrist drops "By the way wasn't lying." Trent steps aside letting Damon get a look in the room "Happy?"

Tragic Souls(Damon Salvatore) Where stories live. Discover now