Chapter 2

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      Payton's pov

  While Karma was telling me not to be rude I noticed how the boys were staring at us. Mabye they were waiting but the feeling of people watching you isn't what I like to feel.

  "Got it?" Karma finished. "Yes." I rolled my eyes. "Then let's go." She said.

   We walked over to them. "Ok let's go around." The brown headed one said. "Oh what's your names?" The black headed one said. "This is Payton and I'm Karma." Said Karma. "Ok well I'm scott and he's stiles." The black headed one said. "Stiles? That's a wierd name." I said. "Payton that was rude." Said Karma. "Actually my actual name is pretty wierd as well but stiles is better so." Stiles said. "Ok." I said.

   "Ok so here's the last place the library." Said Scott. "Now we introduce you too our friends." Stiles said. He walked over to a table with 8 people. (Now cares ok this is my own and everyone is still there and Jackson isn't an ass.) "Ok so the girls are Lydia." Scott pointed to the ginger. "Malia." He pointed to a short haired brunette. "Kira." He pointed to a black haired girl. "And Allison." He pointed to a medium length haired girl.

    "The boys are Me, Scott, Isaac." Stiles pointed to a curly headed blondish brunette. "Liam." He pointed to a brunette. "Jackson." He pointed to another blondish brunette. "Mason." He pointed to a black guy. "And Corey." He pointed to a messy haired brunette. "So you have new friends." Stiles said. "Hey Karma." I said. "Hmm?" She said. "When can I kill him." I ask. "PAYTON!" She yelled.


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