Chapter 25

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        Stiles's pov

     "And you wanted to go with us again why?" Scott asked. "Because it's wanted it to be fancy like instead of McDonald's." I said. "Ok then." He said.

     So on our way to Payton and Karma's to pick them up. We saw Lydia's car. "Well we know what they did after school." Scott said. (Nothing dirty.😐). "Yep." I said. Then we walked up to the door and I knocked on it.

      I heard a squeal then Lydia opened the door. "GIRLS THEY'RE HERE!!"She yelled. "Yea well can tell." Payton said.

     They walked down the stairs. "Stiles close your mouth you'll catch flies." Lydia said. "Shut up." I said. "Here stand next to each other I want a picture!" Lydia said. "Ok ok." Payton said getting pushed by Lydia. "Says cheese!" She said.

     Once we got to leave we went to the restaurant. "This place is pfffft." Karma said. "I'm pretty sure pffffft isn't a word." Payton said. "Well it is for me." Karma said. "Alright let's head in." Scott said. "Yea that's a good idea dea I'm starving." I said. "Me too." Payton said.

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