Chapter 23

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           Stiles's pov

     I was talking to Scott about the date thing this Friday. While walking around looking for Payton I saw some girl. "Hey excuse me?" I asked to get her attention. "Yes?" She said. "Have you seen a girl named Payton anywhere." I asked she got up. "Yea I have." She said. "So where is-." I was cut off by her kissing me and saw Payton at the end of the hall. By the time I got her off me I saw Payton running but not crying.

       "PAYTON!!" I yelled doubting she'd actually heard me so I ran after her. "PAYTON!!" I yelled as she stopped by Theo. I hid behind the wall. I heard crying  I peek over and saw Karma's crying so I looked around and saw Scott so I ran at him. "Scott." I said out of breath. "What?" He questioned. "This girl forced herself and kissed me and Payton saw." I said. "Yea the same thing happened to me ah."  He was pulled off the ground and up in the air and so was I.

      "Hey hey hey why are we offer the ground." I said. "You know why." I heard Payton say. "Can we explain." I said. "Stiles I doubt they'd believe us." Scott said. "Hmm that's probably true because in most romance movie when like a girl forces their. Wait Theo and Payton are werewolves they'd know we were lieing." I said realizing that. "Oh yea." Scott said. "Anyway what happened was I was trying to look for you Payton and I asked this girl if she'd seen you and she got up said yes then forced herself on me which pissed me off." I said. "And I was heading to class when a girl did the same thing." Scott said.

        I then got put down Theo was talking to a tear streaked Karma then Karma also shook her head yes. Then Theo put down Scott. "Oh and uh Payton I was gonna tell you me and you can go to McDonald's Scott said they'd go somewhere else so." I said and shrugged my shoulders. "Yes!" She said and threw her arms in the air.

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