Chapter 27

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       Payton's pov

    As Stiles was walking me home I heard something by the woods. "Stiles did you hear that?" I ask. "Hear what?" He asked. "Nevermind it was probably nothing." I said being caution. "Ok then." He said then we kept walking.

     I heard that noise again only closer. "Alright I'm done with this. WHO'S OUT THERE!" I said bringing out my claws. "Ok ok you got me." A recognizable males voice was heard. "Well you caught us." Said a recognizable female voice. "Scott and Karma what are you doing here?" Stiles groaned. "We came to spy on you. You guys too to long." Karma said. "Or mabye we wanted to spy on you for shipping reasons." Said Karma. "Hey! That's my job." I said dragging out the 'y' in my. "But you two are sooo cute I couldn't help it." Karma said. "Awe same to you guys." I said knowing it would make her blush and I succeeded. "Anyway we should head home." Scott said. "No I don't think just yet." I heard a familiar voice say. "Stiles. STILES WHERE'S STILES!" I yell. "Oh Stiles isn't hear." Said the familiar voice. He sounded like. "STILES!" I said. "Not quite." He said. "Void." Scott said. "Karma call the others." He whispered to her but I could still hear.

    "Ok their on their way including Theo." Karma said. "They won't like that idea but whatever. Oni showed up behind Void. "Oh it's see there's another notsugine." Void said. "Yea yea you do." Karma said. "Ah but your not just a notsugine your a banshee and a kitsune ice to be precise." Void said. "And you." He said pointing at me. "Your a alpha, fire kitsune, and banshee aswell." He said. "Remember Hmm Delulion." He said. "Karma's hair slowly started to turn white as soon as the others showed up. "You gotta here just in time. Karma's going mad. Mabye just enough to kill him." I said. 

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