Chapter 8

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     Karma's pov

     (It's night now.)
     (Theo, thoughts, karma)

    "Hey." "Hey." They started talking and everything when Theo had an idea and whispered it to Karma. "Karma." "Hmm?" "Act like we're about to kiss then flash your eyes." "But ugh fine." He leans in and I look worried and flashed my eyes.

   Scott came and tried to attack him but he jumped out of the way. "Oh no how could you Karma I truly trusted you." Theo said as part of the act and ran at me. Then Scott jumped in the way. Then Theo's pack came. Hayden, Tracy, and Josh but Hayden walked over to us.

    "Hayden what are you doing?" Tracy asked. "Joining the right pack if they'll accept me." She answered. Liam was happy I could tell. "But we're short now." Said Theo then did his infamous smirk. Me and Payton walked over to Theo. "Well we'll guys how do you like my other sister's acting?" He asked. "What?" Scott asked. "Aww Theo they don't even remember me. I used to have just black hair." I said to Theo then to Scotts pack. "Well wasn't that a surprise." Allison said. "Extremely right?" Payton said sarcastically. "Can you not be so sarcastic." Said Stiles. Then Theo's attacked Scott. Payton turned to her form but I was to scared to.

    "Come on Karma fight." Payton said. I just stayed back in felt death I looked at Lydia she looked at me to we both felt it we were trying not to scream I and I knew who it was, Theo. Stiles was behind him but it wasn't a regular Stiles. Me or Lydia could hold back a scream when stiles grabbed one of Allison's arrows and stabbed him with it. So we both screamed. I felt another notsugine present. "Oh my god." I said.


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