Chapter 14

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      Payton's pov

  The dance was actually more fun than I thought. The music was amazing and it was fun to dance to. That was until a really slow song came on a bunch of people danced then I realized what they were doing and it was something neither me or Karma could do.

  My original plan was to hide but I'm braver than that unlike Karma but I did see her and Scott so mabye she did grow some guts. "Hey Pa-." Someone touched me I grabbed their hand and almost flipped them over if I realize it was Stiles. "O-oh sorry S-stiles." I said. "It's okay anyway you mabye wanna you know uh dance?" He asked awkwardly. "I can try." I said unsure. "Wait you've never danced like this before have you." He asked. "Nope but I think I have and idea." I said. "Okay." He said as he hesitantly put his arms  around my hips and my arms around his neck.

    (After the song.)

   I laughed. "I thought you weren't awkward at all until now." I said. "Yea well meet Stiles Stilinski the awkward and sarcastic dumbass." He said. "That you are." Scott said walking up to us. "Hey where's Karma?" I asked. "She said she wanted to go outside so." He said so I went outside.

      "Karma? Why are you pacing?" I ask. "I am oh uh I don't know really." She said.

       Stiles's pov

   "Dude we need a plan." I said. "A plan for what." Scott asked. "Dude seriously you don't want to kiss Karma?" I said. "Yes! Why do we need a plan for that." He ask. "Because plans are plans and to do good you have to have a plan." I said in an obvious voice. "You get on my nerves." He said. "Oh so you don't want to kiss Karma?" I ask. "I NEVER SAID THAT!" He yelled. "So you do." I ask even though I know the answer. "Seriously?"

      Payton's pov

   When we walked back in we grabbed some drinks and we were stopped by Lydia. "Hey guys." She said. "Hey Lydia." Karma said kinda daised. "Karma are you ok." I ask. "Hmm Oh yea I'm fine." She said fastly.

     After talking with Lydia. Karma had went to the bathroom when Scott and Stiles walked over to me. "Hey where's Karma?" Scott asked. "She went to the bathroom." I answered. "Oh okay." He said then walked off. "Hey um can I talk to you outside?" Stiles asked. "Sure." He lead me outside.

     "Sooo. Do you mind if I do something?" He asked. "Uh like what." I ask. "Like anything?" My eyes widened. "Wait ah not like that." He said and I laughed. "I don't mind." I said. "Then close your eyes." He said. "O-okay." So I closed my eyes and felt something warm and soft on my lips. Then I realized what it was so I kissed back. When he pulled back I laughed. "Your a dork ya know?" I said. "Yea I know." He said.

     Karma's pov

   "Finally." I breathed out then laughed then turned around and found Scotts face dangerously close to mine. "So that's over my turn." He said then closed the space between us.


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