Chapter 2:A Day In Seoul

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It was a new day in Seoul.

You woke up still dead tired,You couldn't even open your eyes.

"So....tired" you said to yourself still half asleep.

You needed to get dress for the day and go for food shopping.

Your fringe was put on the side,your hair was straight and down. You wore a big grey coat , baby pink scarf, dark blue denim jeans and boots.

Then you were ready to go. You were unlocking your door and went out closing the door behind you. Then you saw a guy with a hoodie on and a beanie, you couldn't tell who it was. He was locking up his door and put his keys in his pocket. Then you remembered who was living next to you Jiyong.

He looks like was going out too, then he saw you.

"Ah Annyeong (Y/N)" he said and bowed.

"Annyeong!" You said and nod your head.

Then you started walking down the hallway to the elevator. You saw that he was following you from behind. You press the button "G" (ground)

There was an awkward silence in the elevator.

(Jiyong's POV)

We were walking to the elevator I was behind her she kept trying not to look back lol. She pressed the button and the elevator door closed.

In the elevator was sooo awkward I had nothing to say until we reached ground.

"Annyeong! See you later" I said and waved her goodbye.

"Annyeong Jiyong!" She waved back.

I got to the parking lot and got into my car and drove off to YG building were I always work.

I was driving until I saw someone familiar I didn't know who she was but she looks familiar. I couldn't see her face because I need to drive so I drove pass her.

I was starting to get really hungry so I saw a supermarket store and parked outside and went in hopefully no fans of mine spotted me.

(Your POV)

"Wow that's a cool ride!" you said when a rich car drove pass you.

"If only I could afford a car like that" you said to yourself.

You were going down market stores to buy food. You looked at your wallet to see how much money you have.

"Aishh this is not enough to buy a full meal for myself I need to get a job soon" you said to yourself.

"Aigoo I forgot to eat breakfast too" and your stomach started rumbling.

You went to a supermarket store then you saw the car earlier.

"Hey I didn't I saw that car drove past me?".

"Eh! Whatever.."

You only bought a soda to drink then you saw a table with no one sitting on it, so you went and sat there for a few minutes.

But then you accidentally fell asleep since you were really tired.

(Jiyong's POV)

"I will buy myself ramen to eat".

When I walked out I saw her my new neighbour, she was sleeping on the table so I walked up and sat down next to her.

"Yah! Get up!" I tapped on her shoulder.

"5 more minutes" she mumbled.

I guess she didn't sleep well last night.Then I started to eat my ramen.

Then she woke up stretching her arm and rubbing her eyes.

"Annyeong!" I said.

Then she was shocked when she saw me.

(Your POV)

"OMG! He was here! WTF!" You said in your mind,and your eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Eating What about you?.. sleeping aha xD"

"Yah! I was only here to buy food and find a job" you shouted.

Then he putted his finger on your lips.

"Shhhh low your voice down! Loud mouth xD" he said laughing.

You glared and take his finger off your lips.

"Gosh why is he so annoying!"you said in your mind.

You could me smell his ramen he was eating,then your stomach started rumbling and you started butting in your lip.

"Hungry?" He asked.

"Aniyo" you replied.

"Well I'm late for work, here take it breakfast is an important meal you know" he said politely.

"Gomawo" You replied and nodded .

"Annyeong!" He said while ruffling your hair.

"Yah! Don't do that!"you said.

Then he turned around and waved , you waved back and you saw the car that you saw earlier.

"Yah Yah! Jiyong! Is that your car??" You asked

"Uhhh yea!"

"Oh okay"

"Whatever see ya!"

He drove off. You started eating the ramen that he gave you,it was still warm you loved it.

After when you were finished, you stood up and started walking around Seoul wondering around. It's been so long you have been here u moved to America when you were 5.

"Seoul has never changed" you said.

You went to all different places.
You went to clothes stores,cute stores,you walked around the park and more!

"Loving it here!" You said.

Then when you were walking then you saw a little girl crying in a pink dress with pig tails.

"OMO! Are you okay?" You asked.

Keeps on crying...

"Where's your Omma & Appa?"you asked again.

Keeps on crying...

Then you saw a Icecream stall and bought Icecream for her.

"Here have it it's a treat for you!" You passed her the icecream.

Then she stops crying.

"Gamsahamnida Unnie" she said sweetly.

Then you saw her mum came towards you worried and happy that you found her daughter.

"Gamsahamnida! For taking care if her" she said

"No worries" you replied

Then they left the girl was waving to you with a cute smile.

"Awww so adorable!" You said to yourself.

Then you started walking around again.

>>>Chapter 2 end! Hope you guys are liking it so far! I will update more soon! Next one will be Late Night<<<

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