Chapter 8:Feelings Towards You

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(Your POV)

That sentence struck through your head repeating over and over again~ Do you like me?

"He likes me?" You asked yourself.

"But I don't know how I feel about him...he's different to other guys...he's famous he's a international idol...millions of fans...especially the...girls anyone would date him...but...there's more to him than fame...he's annoying,he's my neighbour..." You were thinking this deeply in thought.

"Well goodnight!" He said.

He was about to leave then you opened your door.

"Good night Jiyong" you said and started to walk in but his hand grabbed you before you walked in.

He pulled you in for a hug. You felt his heart beat his warm chest, his arms locked around you, his head laid on your shoulder.

"Be with me (Y/N) I'm lonely I need someone like you,Your the girl I want to be with" he whispered in your ear.

"But Jiyong...I can't you're famous and most of all I will fade away out if your life and you will be with some one else...I'm probably not the one for you...My life can't have paparazzi following me everywhere I go asking me questions. I just want a normal life and we just met a few days ago and there's no way you or I can like each other that fast"

He started to unlock his arms and you felt cold chills running down your spine. You felt guilt for hurting his feelings.

Then he looked up at you.

Then grabbed your hand and stormed out the apartments.

"Moya!?" You said.

(Jiyong's POV)

"But Jiyong...I can't you're famous and most of all I will fade away out if your life and you will be with some one else...I'm probably not the one for you...My life can't have paparazzi following me everywhere I go asking me questions. I just want a normal life and we just met a few days ago and there's no way you or I can like each other that fast" she said.

I felt like my heart was shattered into billions of pieces. But I like her I can't afford to lose this girl. It was like a miracle when she came to my life.

I felt so depress then I grabbed her hand and stormed her out of the apartment with me I didn't know where I was going.

"Moya!?" She said with a shock expression.

"Yah Jiyong where heck are we going huh?"she said.

I didn't talk not a word came out of my mouth.

"Y-yah! Kwon Jiyong!"

We got into my car and putted on our seat belts.

While i was driving i still was thinking about what happened earlier. I can't take my mine off of it. Does she even like me?

I drove drove to the restaurant again near our apartments.

I texted BIGBANG to come over.

(Your POV)

Where in the hell are we going! You said to yourself. We is he taking me? Am I going to die?

A sigh came out of your mouth.

You saw the restaurant again, you wonder why you are here.

Then he got out of his car and took you inside.

"Can I have a table for 6 please!"
He said.

"6!?" You said.

"I would like you to meet BIGBANG my bros" he said.

"Now what's going on!?" You said confused.

Yous waited for BIGBANG to come. It was awkward again you didn't speak you sat there looking down with your hands in your lap.

Then a hand grabbed you face,it was Jiyong he made you look up your nose was touching his eyes were staring at you innocently.

"cheer up! It's gonna be f-"

"Ewwwww I'm hoping I would see anymore PDA" someone said cutting off Jiyong's line.

You guys suddenly broke apart. You were blushing he was blushing.

You saw a guy with a snap back and a designer clothes and shoes. His eye brows were like Jiyong's and his eyes were sweet.

"Wazup! Homie! ~" Jiyong said

"Is this Noona your girlfriend?" Anotger said.

"Aniyo Seungri" Jiyong said blushing.

The Seungri dude looks younger than you, he also wore designer clothes too. He had bags under his eyes like pandas do.

Then another 2 came in. One of them had crazy mint hair and wore sunglasses his style wasn't like the others he was wearing a suit. The other one had bright blonde hair he had tiny eyes though but what can I say we're asian. He also had a very nice smile.

"Well come on let's party" Jiyong said.

They all sat down all looking at you.

"Yahhh~ she's very pretty!" The blonde one said.

"My name is Daesung nice to meet you!" He said with a smile.

"Annyeong my name is (Y/N)"

"Stop being so flirty!" The mint guy said.

"My name is Choi Seung Hyun or Top!" He said while smiling and winking.

You nod and smiled.

Then a lady came out with soju.

"I don't drink" you said.

"Come on" Jiyong said.

"I will just have water" you asked.

>>>1 hour later<<<

They were all drunk...all of them smelt with alcohol. Except for you. Daesung & Seungri didn't drink much but the other ones drank like 4 bottles.

"Waitress can I *hiccuped* have another bottle!" Jiyong said putting his head on his arms on the table he really look like his really drunk.

"Yah no more you guys reek with alcohol!" You shouted.

" Yah (Y/N) shut up you can tell me what to do!" He said.

You were about to say something but Daesung interrupted you by saying...

" Don't worry about him, why don't you take him home me and Seungri can handle Yong Bae & Seung Hyun"

"Arrasso I will be going now" you started to wake up Jiyong and and put his hand over your shoulder and you lift him up of the seat and helped him to the car.

Then the car stopped working.

"OMG are you serious" you said.

Then instead of taking the car you walked back to the apartments since it wasn't that far.

When you reached your apartments you asked Jiyong were are his keys his weight was hurting your shoulders.

"Jiyong were are your keys!" You said.

"In my pocket" he mumbled.

You searched in his pocket and found it. Then you unlocked his door and went in. You couldn't see anything you were trying to find his bedroom. When you dropped him on the bed he also grabbed your hand and you fell on top of him with your head on his chest.
He smelt of alcohol, your could felt his breathing and you could hear his heat beat.

"Stay with me for one night" he whispered.

You were shocked but you just lying there with him his arms were around your waist. You spoke no words you kinda felt butterflies and you felt very different you never felt anything like it.

"Do I have feelings for him?"

>>>>>next chapter coming soon! I just had to include BIGBANG in the fanfic<<<<<

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