Chapter 18: Fan Mail

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(Your POV)

Dami picked up Soul from Jiyongs apartment he was still asleep so Jiyong piggy backed Soul to Damis car. When he went back to the apartment to you, you were on the couch on your phone, he cam up to you and sat next to you and hugged you. 

"Jiyong ah..I know you been keeping stuff from me" You said smirking.

"Huh? ani." He said

"Naeeee" you said and grabbed your keys.

"Ohhh hehe" He giggled.

"Mianhae but the truth is that ..I DONT WANT YOU TO LEAVE!" he said with an ageyo voice.

"aishh this guy so keyopta!" you said while pinching his cheeks.

"OH Oppa today some people knows about us what happened the other day." You said and your expression changed.

He hugged you tighter "Nae I know dont let it get to you nothing bad will happen..I promise" He said.

"Nae.." You sighed.

"Now be happy! I got something to tell you" he said


"Wanna come with me to the enterainment party thats happening?" He asked 

"Nae..why not it might be fun" You said.

"Lets go to sleep its late too!"  He said and carried you bridal style into his room.

>>>Next morning<<<

On your way to college you saw one of the newspapers it said it capitals "YG FAMILY OFF TO JAPAN TOUR!"

"What so hes..going but why he never told me..."

You kept that thought in your mind.

You went to college as usual and saw Na Ra crying then she saw you and ran up to you.

"Omo unnieee!" she cried 

"What? what happened" You asked 


"What about him?" you said.

" sick and today i will be alone" She said.

"Oh hahaha" You laughed 

"Yah! its not funny!"

"But you make it so dramatic..But its good that you care for him hey lets go to his place after school" you suggested

"Mmm Nae that would be great let me text him right now" She said

"Come on we better get to class"

>>>>Fast Forward<<<<

After college you and Na Ra went to Minhyuks house to vist to see if he feels any better. You and Na Ra went and greeted his parents and went to his room.

"Anneong Oppa" Na Ra said.

"Oh yous came here wae?" He said putting his book down because he was reading a book lol

"Na Ra was making a big fuss today " You joked

"Yah i wasn't" she replied

"Oh Min i missed you today" She said and came and hugged him.

They were such a good couple and you think they can last long. After awhile you decided to go home and Na RA stayed behind with him.

You got to the apartment and saw a box it was a sweet box with colourful ribbons and pink wrapping paper it had a note on it too, it was infront of your door. You  picked it up and read the note it said "For You" you smiled and guessing who sent this, when you opened it it was a picture of Jiyong with drawn blood on him and a knife carved stay away from him. You dropped the box on the ground and you collapesed to the ground tears burning up you covered your mouth with your hand still in stock. You dialed Jiyongs number but didnt picked then you tried dialling Young Baes number he picked up..

"hello? (Y/N)?" 

You couldnt speak you were shaking your phone and he was hearing you crying.

" .." 

"Look calm down i will get jiyong" You instntly dropped your phone.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?" young bae cried out then the call ended.

You were still on the ground shaking and don't even know what to do. 

(Jiyong POV) 

As soon I herd Young bae I quickly rushed out of the car and drove in speed straight through all the cars just to get to her im just praying she will be alright. When I arrived I rushed to the elevator and press the button I cold feel my sweat rolling down my face. When the dpprs open I saw her sitting there shaking like a little kid seen a horror movie or a innocent person saw their first murder.

I yelled out her name "(Y/N)"

she looked up I saw her red eyes it was reder than the sunset.

I rushed to her and hugged her and stroke her long straight brown hair.

"Jiyong.." she said and still crying wetting my coat.

"everything will be alright I promise" I said

I saw the picture of me with blood I picked it up and scunched it up and the knive I threw it in the bin.

I took her inside my apartment and lwt her sit on the couch I was holding both of her hands for comfort. She stopped crying.

"This is getting out of hand.." Jiyong said.

"Jiyong ah.." she said in a serious voice.

"lets go to our seperate ways I cant let this happening to me always..people now know its best if I go away.. I couldnt take this anymore.." she said while tears were building up from her face.

"No theres another way we can slove this.." I said

" are you serious? another way? its too mich already..I better go now" she said and stood up and letting go of my hands

"Andwae! (no) you cant go!" I shouted.

She stood up, turned her heel back and headed out the door.

The door slowly was shutting. Geat another girl walked out like last time..but no..not this time. I rushed out in search of her.

(Your POV)

You walked out the apartment tears falling ,drip drop they fall to the ground. You were walked down the street then you felt something wet hit your cheek it was pouring with rain. 

"just what i need thanks! -.-" you said and contiued to walk in the rain.

You kept walked then someone took a hold of your arm. You looked back it was him the gy with the white hair wet, water running down his face. Kwon Jiyong.

"Don't go" He said 

You didnt speak you fung your hand away and walked away.

"Wae!? Why can't I go!?" you said while walking.

"Because I love you if you don't come back I will kill myself" He said.

You stopped "You're stupid.. You won't do it!" You shouted because the rain was getting havier.

"Watch me die then!" He walked on the road there was a car coming..

You rushed to him and pushed both of yous out of the way! You fell on the other side of the road, you were on top of him.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!?" You shouted.

Everyone in the streets were looking but you didnt care.

"why did you save me? you should of let me die if you don't love me" he said and you stood up.

"I cannot let you die.." you said


"I still love you but we cannot be together because

>>> Well yea guys... hope you like this chapter^^ currently writing an exo fanfic I will uploaded here and on asianfanfics^^ dont forget to follow me on asianfanfics @asdfghjkl_fanfics

Love: asdfghjkl_fanfics ♥♥

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