Chapter 6:College

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(Your POV)

You walked to the front of the school looking at all those people walking in and out of the school.Groups of girls gossiping ,boys bouncing ball, professors holding big loads of books, it feels like you were on high school again.

"Come on (Y/N) hold it together now it's just college"

You started to walk towards the school then someone bumped into you.You were unionised you started to opened your eyes then you saw a figure in front of your face.

"Mianhae!"he said his voice was so soft yet dramatic.

"Miss are you okay?"he said.

You were still on the ground your eyes finally is cleared you could see everything and him. He lend out his hand.

"Here let me help you up" he said.

Finally you came to your senses and took his hand and stood up.
You looked up your eyes met.

"Wow am I'm dreaming or this guy is so gorgeous?" You said to yourself.

"Mianhae for bumping into you I was in a rush" he said.

"Aniya it's was okay I should looked out I should have been the one that should be sorry oppa"you said shyly.

"Well Annyeong I don't wanna be late for class"he said smiled & waved & left.

"Awww I didn't even get to know his name" You still still smiled and day dreamed.

*bell ringing*

"(Y/N)!!!!" Someone shouted my name but I didn't see who it was.

"OMO IM LATE"You said and ran to class.

When you got to your class you saw him again your eyes widened.

(Jiyong POV)

I got a text from Teddy Hyung that says.

*Jiyong you don't need to come to the studio I'm can't do your song today I'm busy doing Young Bae's song come tomorrow then we'll do it* Teddy Hyung!

"Yay! Finally no work!"I said to myself.

I was gonna go back to my apartment then I though hey why not pay (Y/N) a visit at Seoul Collage. Hehehe

I walked back to the parking lot and drove off to the college. I need a good disguise because I don't want anyone to recognise me.I putted on sunglasses and a beanie to cover my white hair.

I saw her and I shouted her name but she looked around and didn't see me and she ran to class.

"Aigoo school started now what I'm gonna do?" I said bored.

I saw a park near the school I walked over there causally. I sat on the swing. The wind blowing in my face making my cheeks cold,stuffing my hands in my pocket and waiting for the bell to ring for break.

*2 hours later*


Then I saw her walking out of the building with another guy.

"Who's that guy she's walking with?" I said.

(Your POV )

"I saw him again this would be my lucky day" you said to myself.

He has a spare seat he pointed it for me to sit. You were smiling and blushing at the same time.You walked to your seat next to him.

"I didn't get to know your name yet" he whispered in your ear.

"I'm (Y/N)"you whispered back.

"Cute name! I'm Minhyuk" he said

You blushed.

Class was very boring but when you were with Minhyuk you liked it a lot.

After class you walked together to get some food to eat before the next lesson to start. You and Minhyuk were talking about each other and likes then someone pulled your hair tie out again. You looked couldn't even believe your eyes it was Jiyong.

You stopped walking and looked at him.

"Is there something wrong?" Minhyuk asked. He looked at the direction what you were looking.

"I told you to leave your hair down! arrasso?" Jiyong said.

"Aishh what are you doing here?" You said annoyed.

"Should I give you two a minute or 2?" Minhyuk asked.

"Gomawo"you replied.

You and Jiyong walked a little bit away from Minhyuk.

"Well I had nothing to do and Teddy Hyung said I could take the day off today"

"You could of went home instead of coming here! Plus you are famous and what happen if all your fan girls find you?"

"*sigh* who's that dude there!?" Jiyong asked jealously.

"He's Minhyuk and we are going eat before class starts!" You said and walked away.

"Let's go!" You smiled.

"Who was he?" Minhyuk asked.

" oh...uhh...umm neighbour..." You said.

"Oh okay! Let's go then"he said.

(Jiyong's POV)

"Aishh that girl!"I said and ruffled my hair underneath my hat.

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