After The Break Up/ They See You With Someone Else

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After you caught Shu cheating on you, you were more depressed than usual. You stopped going to the music room ever since. Whenever Shu went to the empty music room where you used to meet up with Shu, he would sit in the corner of the room and he would stare at the piano where you played your favourite songs and you would sing along to the notes as well. Shu missed you dearly and he also missed your beautiful singing voice.

Shu walked through the hallways and he saw you in a different music room. Shu was about to go in and see you until he saw another male approaching you and he kissed you on the lips. Shu felt more heart broken when he saw you dating with another man, he was giving you some compliments about your music and you smile at him. Shu knew right then what he did to you was wrong and he was more determined to get his girl back 


Ever since you and Reiji broke up, Reiji had a hard time studying and concentrating in class. During maths class he would look at you but you would ignore his presence and act like he was invisible and you acted like nothing happened at all. After classes were over Reiji would sometimes follow you to the library and just when he was about to talk to you he saw another man and it was one of your classmates who had a crush on you for a while before you starting Reiji. Your new boyfriend would help you with your homework and he would flirt with you as well.

Reiji felt even more sad when he saw you with another man. When he saw the two of you holding hands and smiling at each other he knew that cheating on you was the biggest mistake of his life. Reiji was determined to win his girl back even if your new boyfriend disapproves of this.


Ever since you caught Ayato cheating on you with Yui, you moved on from him and you stopped going to the basketball hall to practice and you also stopped going to the park where you and Ayato became a couple. Ayato tried to move on from you by dating Yui but it didn't feel right, so he dumped her anyways and he would watch you from the shadows when you were practicing alone in the basketball hall. Ayato sighed and just when he was about to kiss and make up to you he saw another male approaching you and he smacked your behind making you giggle.

Ayato was shocked at this because the boy you with was your new lover and that made Ayato angry. He watched as how your new boyfriend would flirt with you and how he would get behind you and he held your hips to show you how to make better shot when playing basketball. Ayato knew that this was all Yui's fault for trying to break up the two of you. Ayato was going to get his woman back even if he had to beat the crap out of your new boyfriend to do so.


Kanato was more depressed than usual ever since you stopped seeing him. Kanato didn't go to the bakery where you worked anymore because he knew that would upset you. Kanato even stopped eating deserts and some of his favorite sweets because when he does eat some of them they would remind him of you. When Kanato was walking through the corridors while clutching his teddy and he was mumbling to him about how much he misses you. Just then, by some miracle he saw you. You were walking in the corridors with Sapphire in your bag and you humming away happily.

Suddenly, another boy came up behind you and he covered your eyes from behind making you laugh in the process. Kanato was angry and shocked at the fact that you got a new boyfriend and you moved on from him. Kanato hid in the shadows and he watched as how your boyfriend fed you some of your favorite sweets. Kanato was angry at this and he also that cheating on you was the biggest mistake that he has ever made and he was going to get you back.


Laito was sad ever since you left him. Laito even stopped flirting with some of the girls since you broke up with him. Whenever Laito looks at some of the model photos of you, they would remind him of the happy days when the two of you were dating. Laito was walking through the corridors and he then saw you at your locker and there was another man. He was whispering sweet and flirtatious things in your ear making you blush and giggled at the same time. Laito felt more heart broken when he saw you with another man.

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