Chapter 8:

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As Ashly and I walk home, she talks about Cole the whole time. I'm even starting to get a little annoyed. I think I'm just so annoyed with the fact that Luke keeps kissing me. As much as it feels right, it's wrong. I smile and touch my lips, but snap out of it.

"Ashly, I need you to switch partners. I need to work with Luke. Is that okay?" I ask.

"Yes, I was gonna ask you the same thing." As soon as we arrive to my house she gets in the car then tells me she'll see me tomorrow. I walk up the stairs an luckily there is no sign of my mother. When I get in my room the first thing I do is rip the fake eyelashes off, then wash my face. I then slip my outfit off and put shorts on. I plop on my bed and within seconds I'm out.

As my alarms goes off, I roll my eyes and get out of bed. I run my eyes as I walk to the shower and wait for it to heat up. After my quick shower I apply minimal make up and leave my hair natural since it's wavy. I walk to my closet and grab black ripped skinny jeans, a black nirvana shirt and my black converse. I grab my phone off of the charger and notice I have 6 messages.

Ashly: girl, why did you let me get so wasted last night??

Luke: why won't you just give me a chance Kamrin? I roll my eyes at this one.

James: I had fun last night! Can't wait for our date tonight though.

Ashton: I don't think you should go on a date with James, he's not that nice of a guy.

Michael: why didn't you hang with us last night? I'm a little offended.

Calum: Luke is falling apart because of you, have you talked to him?

All I do is shove my phone back in my pocket, I don't need this right now. I walk downstairs and see that my mom isn't there. But I do notice a note.

I had to go out of town for a business trip, I left $60 for you. That should be enough, I won't be back until Thursday though, please take care of the house and the cat. And I I find out you have a party or anything like that, I will kill you. Oh, an also some boy named Luke stopped by for you. Love you honey!

I put the note on the counter then grab my keys and head to school. The entire time I was driving all I could think about was why did he come to my house? And how on earth did he know where I live? As I pull up to the school I notice Luke standing at my locker. I roll my eyes and sigh. I get out and lock my car. I walk toward my locker and open it up.

"Hey kamrin." All I do is sigh. "Okay... You're mad at me." I then roll my eyes. "Kamrin, why are you being like this?"

I grab my books out of my locker and put my keys and charger in there.

"You and I are now partners in music by the way." And with that I walk away.

"Wait, Kamrin please give me a chance."

"As I've said before, not now Luke. But maybe later in the future." And with that, I head to biology.


I  am sooo sorry that this chapter is boring, it's kind of just a filler because I'm super busy today. But on the bright side I have a huge surprise coming up, hopefully! 😁😁 but anyway, please vote and let me know what you think!! Love you all.

-Kami. Xx

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