Chapter 22:

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As Ashly and I sat on the beach watching the boys play in the water I heard my phone ring.


(K: me. M: mikey)

K: hello?
M: hey kam. What are you and the others doing tonight?
K: nothing that I know of. Why?
M:well cal and I are throwing a party at my house. You gonna be there?
K: for sure! What time?
M 7. See you soon.

And with that the phone call was over.

About 3 hours later we decide to leave the beach and head to the mall. Mike and calum decided to meet up with us.

"Hey cal! Wanna come with me to pick out an outfit for tonight?" I asked him. "I wanna try and look incredible for Luke. I heard he has a plan tonight."

We walk into the store and see all sorts of different dresses, such as prom dresses and homecoming, and any dress you can find honestly. I walk over to the more casual dresses and start looking through them. Calum pulls this black mid thigh dress and handed it to me.

"Go try this one on." I smile and walk to the dressing rooms.

"So how are you and Caitlin?" I ask.

"Good, we are just trying to figure us out."

"What do you mean?"

"She has been really distant lately, and every time we try to have sex she backs out."

"Do you want me to talk to her about it tonight?"

"Yes, thank you. Now come out and show me." I do as he says and step out of the little room. "Wow, you look amazing. Are you going to wear heels?"

"Hell no. I will dress nice but I will not wear heels." We both laugh and continue shopping.

------------------------------ 30 minutes later:

As Luke and I head home he grabs my hand and stares at the road.

"What's on your mind babe?" I ask.

"I just love you and want you to know that you are beautiful just the way you are." I've been wanting to tell him I love him back for a while now, so its better now than never.

"I love you too luke."

"Wait, what? Really?!"

"Yes Luke really."

As soon as he pulls up to my house, he stops the car then kisses me with such passion, and not lust but love. We end up kissing for seriously like ten minutes then decide to head inside. I see my mom and her boyfriend then say hello.

"Mom, is it okay if I go to this party with Luke tonight?"

"Sure honey, be home by 12 okay?"

"Thanks mom." I then run over to her and hug her. I head upstairs and start to get ready. I connect my phone to the Bluetooth speaker and play some All Time Low, and start to do my hair and make up. I do tighter curls than I normally do, I then put on some darker eyeshadow, I wing my eyeliner and then some mascara, and then put on some maroon lipstick.

I walk into my room and grab the dress off of my bed, then slip it on. I then grab my maroon vans, then grab some jewelry which consists of a black watch and some black earrings. I grab my phone then check the time and see that it is 6:45. Cool. I walk downstairs and watch Luke look at me. He looked amazing.

"Kamrin, you look breath taking."

"Thank you babe, you look great too." I kiss his cheek then head out the door.

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