Chapter 20:

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-3 weeks later-

As I wake up I realize it's the weekend and I am honestly so happy. I am just happy with the way life is going. I look over and see Luke still asleep. I scoot closer to him and lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. If anything I am shocked my mom doesn't care he's staying here. Because when I was with Paul, we couldn't even be out of her sight. But I'm glad she trusts and likes him. I hear Luke groan so I look up at him.

"Good morning handsome." I say then kiss his cheek.

"Morning babe." He then kissed my forehead. "What time is it?"

"Um...9:46 why?"

"We are so late for school!!" Luke shot up accidentally elbowing me in my face.

"Ouch... no babe, it's the weekend." I then rub my jaw.

" I am so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" I laugh.

"It's okay, lets go get some breakfast." We walk downstairs and see my mom with the man she's been fucking. I clear my throat.

"Um mom?" She turns around and smiles.

"Hello kambam! I made your favorite blueberry pancakes." I smile.

"Who's this though?" I grab Luke and I a plate then dish up.

"Oh this is James! He's my boyfriend. I am very happy." My mom has been busy a lot lately but I'm glad she's happy. On another note. Luke and I have been dating for 3 weeks now, for the most part everything is good, but I swear 10 people have told me about his past and every time I bring it up he gets mad yells then storms away. Then I get mad and then we get into little arguments.

Today Ashton told me he wants to hand so I told him we can meet up at the mall at 12. I look at the clock and see that it's 10:40, I still got time. I put my plate in the sink and walk over to the couch and turn on shameless. About a half hour later of watching and cuddling I kiss Luke then head up the stairs to get ready. I decide to keep in natural, and just keep my hair wavy and put mascara on. I put some black adidas sweatpants on a black crop top, and some black vans. After I brush my teeth I head downstairs and grab my keys.

"Are you sure you don't want to go Luke?" I ask while slipping my shoes on.

"Yeah, I have stuff to do. Have fun babe." I then walk outside. After about 5-10 minutes I get to the mall and see Ashton standing with Kaycee. I walk over to them.

"Hey guys!" I smile.

"Hey kamrin, look ash is it okay if kam and I go get some bras and then meet up with you?"

"Yeah calum is here. " we wave then walk to the store and start looking around.

"So you and Luke doing good?"

"Yeah I mean we argue because he won't tell me about his past but oh well."

"Oh honey, I'll tell you. He used to do drugs, alcohol, fucked every girl in sight. He's a cheater and he's very abusive. Better lose some weight because he doesn't like fat girls, not that you're fat, but still." With what she said I'm very shocked..

Right then and there I start running towards my car, then drive home. I walk in the door playing cards with my mom and James. He looks at me and smiles, but I just run upstairs. I trust him.. I do. I just think maybe I should start to lose weight, but is what she said really true? I don't know what or who to believe.

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