Chapter 9:

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I walk into biology and see mike and Calum. I smile then walk over to them. I put my bag on the ground and start to copy the notes on the board, but in the back of my mind I started to think of song lyrics.

When I first saw you didn't know what to think, something about you is just so interesting. I can see me and you being best friends, the kind of friends that finish each other's sentences. I write this down in my notebook, I'm excited to show Luke. I mean I could write the whole song right now, but I figured I should wait.

I hand Calum my notebook and tell him to read. He smiles then hands it to mike.

"That's really good Kamrin." They say in unison. I smile then pack my bag as the bell rings. With that I bolt out of the door, I walk very quickly to my music class.

I see Luke standing in the corner, I run over to him and give him a big hug. He laughs and hugs me back, I can see Kaycee give me a dirty look but at this point in time, I could care less.

"Hey Lukey!" I smile.

"Hi Kami, what was the hug for?"

"I have song lyrics, and I think we can make a really good song out of this." I giggle, then hand him my notebook. We walk over to the piano, and talk about lyrics.

"Okay, so after 'finish each other's sentences' we can sing 'when I can't think of the right words to say I just sing oh oh oh oh, come on and harmonize with my melody  and we'll sing oh oh oh oh, ain't it a perfect harmony.'" Luke added, I was shocked that he came up with that so quickly.

"Yes! Then after you can write your own verse, then we will sing the chorus and then unison, then chorus again, then done. Does that make sense? I have a piano at my house, come over after school and we'll work on it. Since you know where I live."

"Slow down Kamrin." He laughs.

"Sorry, I ramble when I'm excited." I smile.

"It's okay, it's cute... You have a beautiful smile." He says while looking at my lips.

"Thank you.." I blush then look down.

"But I'll be at your house after school, okay?" I nod.

"But Luke!! You were supposed to go shopping with me!" Kaycee yells causing both of us to jump. He rolls his eyes, then smiles at me and grabs her hand then walks away.

Lukes pov:

"Kaycee, can't you just go with Addison or Emily or something?"

"Ummmm no lukeybear. They aren't my boyfriend." I look over at Kamrin who is writing lyrics then look up and smiles an waves.

"You know what Kaycee, neither am I. I'm tried of being played by you an I'm being honest. I think I'm in love with someone else." I smile looking down at my feet.

"It's Kamrin isnt it?" She asks with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Hey, don't cry! We just aren't meant for each other anymore, but yeah Kamrin is the one I love." I wipe tears off of her face.

"Fine, but I'm telling people I broke up with you. Bye lukeybear."

She walks away and I walk back over to Kamrin and start working with her on the song. She's truly amazing, and it's so attractive when she focuses on what she's doing. I know how I feel now, and maybe this sounds crazy. But I love her. I love Kamrin Herring.

Hellooooo lovelies! So that's all the updating I'm doing today, but anyways, I hope this kind of surprised you guys! I'll definitely update more tomorrow, but right now I'm gonna go to bed. Lol. But thanks so much for reading! And PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!

Love you all.


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